The First International Conference on Tolkien's Invented Languages
Elvish names of the hand from VT 47
Course (from Oct 14, 2004) by Thorsten Renk
[PDF in GZIP file, 491 KB]
Summary of the Sindarin grammar by Ryszard Derdzinski
Dictionary of the Reconstructed Sindarin Words by Ryszard Derdzinski
Sindarin Pronouns - a reconstruction by Ryszard Derdzinski
Kurs sindarinu po polsku - Thorsten Renk, tlum. Adaneth, komentarz Galadhorn (Polish)
Quenya Course (from Aug 12, 2004) by Thorsten Renk [PDF in GZIP file, 456 KB]
Summary of the Quenya grammar by Ryszard Derdzinski (under construction)
Quenya Pronouns - a reconstruction by Ryszard Derdzinski
Dictionary of the Reconstructed Quenya Words by Boris Shapiro
Dictionary of the Reconstructed Quenya Words in CHM file [89 KB] [troubles?]
Kurs quenya po polsku - H. K. Fauskanger, tlum. Elanor i Vendis (Polish)
Ælfwine by Anthony Appleyard
Consonant Mutations in Conceptual Evolution of Noldorin/Sindarin Phonology
by Ryszard Derdziński [PDF, 124 KB; first published in Gwaihir #7]
Elvish Pronouns by Ryszard Derdzinski
Evolution of Eldarin Pronouns (1917-1965) by Ryszard Derdzinski
History of the Elvish Writing Systems by Gildor Inglorion [Word 458 KB, fonts]
Northern Dialect of Sindarin by Ryszard Derdzinski [PDF 176 KB]
Quenya: The
Influence of the Greek Language
essay by Andreas Andreou (Greece)
Sarati Rúmilo Quenya Mode by Ryszard Derdzinski
The Calendars of Imladris, Gondor and the Shire... by Boris Shapiro
Adel i vennas ('Old Walking Song' Part 2) by Ryszard Derdzinski
Aerlinn Elendil ('The Hymn of Elendil') by Ryszard Derdzinski
Aerlinn in elvellyn o Thol Gannel by Eirien Tuilinn
Amrûn o Lamedon by Eirien Tuilinn
Ave Maria in Sindarin by Ryszard Derdzinski
Dant Gil-galad ('The Fall of Gil-galad') by Ryszard Derdzinski
Erin daen Hithaeglir by Thorsten Renk [tengwar trascription]
Fragment of "Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth" by Ryszard Derdzinski
Galadriel's Lament by Ryszard Derdzinski
Gaerlin Legolas by Ryszard Derdzinski
Glîr Vedui Bilvon (Bilbo's Last Song) by Katarzyna "Elring" Staniewska
I Râd Ui-renia Lim ('Old Walking Song' Part 1) by Ryszard Derdzinski
Ist-Minlamad Fangorn by Ryszard Derdzinski
I Thrach in Gelydh ('The Curse of the Noldor') translated by Menelvantar
Laer Thoron ('The Eagle's Song') by Ryszard Derdzinski
Meleth Faramir (Faramir's Love) by Ryszard Derdzinski
Merseburg Charm in Sindarin by Lothenon
Morn 'ellui by Didier Willis (ELPP*)
Naergon an Kharas Crist-Erui by Iessadriel (Jessie Christiansen) [sound file]
Nan Annûn or Annie Lennox's "Into The West" in Sindarin by Taramiluieli
Narn en-Angol ('Rhyme of Lore') translated into Sindarin by Lea Sheler.
Quenta Silmarillion: 'Of the return of the Noldor' by Pavel Iosad
Pater noster in Sindarin by Ryszard Derdzinski [sound file]
Pent Fangorn by Ryszard Derdzinski
Riddle of Strider by Ryszard Derdzinski
Ring Poem by Ryszard Derdzinski [revised version]
Saelpheth Gandalf (Gandalf's Advice) by Ryszard Derdzinski
Sam Gamgee's Letter by Ryszard Derdziński (ELPP)
Sindarin Prose Fragment by Didier Willis
of Gondor by
Ryszard Derdzinski
Oath of Cirion
and Eorl by Didier Willis and Helge K. Fauskanger
Snowmane's Epitaph by Ryszard Derdzinski
Tinúviel Fragment by Ryszard Derdzinski (ELPP)
Fragment by Ryszard Derdzinski
Aistalë Elrondo ('Elrond's Blessing') by Ryszard Derdzinski
Altariello Lírë by Aiwë
Altariello Nainië Mistalondessë by
Ryszard Derdziński (ELPP)
Tol Eressëanna by Ryszard Derdzinski
Cuivienyarna Fragment by Ryszard Derdzinski
Elven Hymn to Elentári Tintallë by Elanor
I Anda Malle by Thomas Ferencz
I lindë Onyato ('The Ent and the Entwife') by Michal Kossowski
Lirilla Lehtalëo by Diego Sebastian Bao and Tandra Chu
I Omentië
Vinyamassë by
Lukas Novak
Lament of the Rohirrim in Quenya by Elenhil Laiquendo (Boris Shapiro)
Lírë Lassion by Erwin "Eärendil" Swoboda
Melmë Faramiro (Faramir's Love) by Ryszard Derdzinski
Metimë Quettar Olórino by Julian Jarosch
Minna Númen - To The West by Petri Tikka
by Arandil Elenion
by David Chapman
Númenna or Annie Lennox's "Into The West" in Quenya by Ryszard Derdzinski
Númenna - To The West by Thorsten Renk
Oath of the Fëanorians by Milan Rezac
Quenya Prose Fragment by Didier Willis, translated by Sébastien Bertho
Ring Poem by Maciej Garbowski
Quenta Silmarillion Fragment: 'Of the beginning of days' by Sébastien Bertho
Quenta Silmarillion: 'Of the coming of the Elves' by Ryszard Derdzinski
Quenta Silmarillion: 'Of the ruin of Beleriand' by Brett Engetschwiler
Rómen by David Chapman
The Epitaph of Beowulf by Julian Jarosch
The «Kalevala» Fragment by Petri Tikka
Tirno Silmarillion by Arandil Elenion
Two Christian Prayers by David Chapman
Valacormaron Fragment
by Ryszard Derdzinski
Introduction by Ryszard Derdzinski
Valaquenta: Of
Manwë ar Melcor by Ryszard Derdzinski
Archaic and dialectal Sindarin Compositions
I lambi yåri in Old Sindarin by Florian "Lothenon" Dombach
I laim ioer in Middle Sindarin by Florian "Lothenon" Dombach
Narn Fingolfin in North Sindarin by Florian "Lothenon" Dombach
Alatarielo Nainie by Vicente S. Velasco
Alatarielo Nainie Mistalonnese by Ryszard Derdzinski
Lament to Arwen by Thomas Ferencz
Rohirric (Old English) Compositions
Beadu Felda Pelennora by Shawn R. McKee
Léof þegn by Ryszard Derdzinski
*[ELPP] - text that will be presented during the next Elvish Language Poetry Prize
Have you already deciphered these manuscripts? The answer is here.
Elvish Christmas Card with a fragment of Athrabeth from Elenwe (Poland)
Elvish Wedding Invitation by Boris Shapiro and Olga Kukhtenkova
Lothenon's Account in Old and Middle Sindarin by Florian Dombach
Maendeithad Edhellen - Elvish Calligraphy by D.Daniel Andriës
Merseburg Charm in Sindarin by Lothenon
New Calligraphy Fragments by D. Daniel Andriës
On Frumsceafte Ilúuatar by Arkadiusz Kubala
Rúmilian Document 'Oath of Fëanor's Sons' by Karolina Stopa
Rúmilian Namárie by Florian Dombach
Samwise Gamgee's Letter by Ryszard Derdzinski
Samwise Gamgee's Letter by Gernot Katzer
Sindarin Inscriptions by D.Daniel Andriës
Wedding Invitation by Joanna and Damian Gucza
Wedding Rings by S. and J. Pfeiffer
A Elbereth Gilthoniel [mp3 file, 5,53 MB, with author's permission]
words by J.R.R. Tolkien, music by
a_dreamer (Poland)
Aerlinn in elvellyn o Thol Gannel [mp3 file, 731 KB, with author's permission]
words by Eirien Tuilinn, music by J. Butler
Faer Edhellen [mp3 file, 1,21 MB, with author's permission]
music by J. Butler
Laer en-Aduial [mp3 file, 840 KB, with author's permission]
music by J. Butler
Lamathlim [mp3 file, 1,2 MB, with author's permission]
music by J. Butler [see announcement about the lyrics]
Ninqueldan [mp3 file, 2 MB, with author's permission]
words by Arandil Elenion, music by J. Butler
Prophecy [mp3 file, 825 KB, with author's permission]
words by Philippa Boyens, music by J. Butler
Pen Peth [mp3 file, 477 KB, with author's permission]
words by J. Butler, music by J. Butler
Karolina Stopa
Leonid Korablev
Ryszard Derdzinski
S. Juchimov
Elvish names of the hand from VT 47
The Lord of the Rings Movie by Ryszard Derdzinski
Elvish Phrases in the LotR movie by Ryszard Derdzinski
Galadhorn's Tolkien Shop by Ryszard Derdzinski
Elvish cakes by Ryszard Derdzinski
Tengwar for Polish by Ryszard Derdzinski
Numerals by Ryszard Derdzinski
Sindarin Course by Thorsten Renk [PDF in ZIP file, 287 KB]
Quenya Numbers 2.3. [WinZip 152 KB] by Alex Grigny de Castro
Elvish Linguisitc Calendar v.1.1 [PDF 2,6 MB]
History of the Elvish Writing Systems by Gildor Inglorion [PDF, RTF]
History of the Elvish Writing Systems: Fonts [WinRar 300 KB]
Sindarin Dictionary: Update [PDF 84 KB]
Tolkien Calendar by Elenhil Laiquendo [WinZip 224 KB]
PDF e-book, WinZip file, 2 MB
Polish version 1.1, English version soon!
This edition contains the Elvish manuscripts!
Linguistic Library
Sindarin Dictionary
Ryszard Derdzinski
Elvish Linguisitc Calendar by Ryszard Derdzinski
Le dictionnaire des langues elfiques by Edouard Kloczko (in French)
Resources by Ryszard Derdzinski
Tolkien's Legendarium edited by Verlyn Flieger and Carl F. Hostetter
Vinyar Tengwar #42: Review by Ryszard Derdzinski
Most Recommended
Elvish Linguistic
Fellowship - lots of resources - edited by Carl F. Hostetter.
Eldalamberon - Art, Music and
Language. Info about Parma
The Language Lab
- website by Patrick Wynne
Ardalambion - best site on the Arda languages, edited by Helge Fauskanger.
Elm - Elvish names, grammatical forms. A very good website! - by Ales Bican
I Lam Arth - Aaron Show's
website devoted mainly to Sindarin.
- Tolkienian linguistic information service! (en español)
Parma Tyelpelassiva - Thosten Renk's website with plenty of linguistic material!
Daeron - mainly on Quenya and Sindarin.
Tyelelliéva - Elvish Language Poetry Prize! - edited by Lisa Star.
Linguistic Tools (grammars, dictionaries, etc.)
Das Sindarin-Lexicon by Christian Buzek - wonderful stuff in Deutsch.
Lambë Eldaiva - grammar tables and glossaries - by Alex Grigny de Castro.
Quenya Grammar Reexamined - by Anthony Appleyard.
Quettar Tolkieno - Marcus A. Smith's concordances for Tolkien's books.
Translator - very, very useful - by Didier Willis.
Dictionary by Bob Ireland.
Utúvielyë Quenya - compendium on Quenya - edited by John Wordsworth.
Writing Systems (tengwar, cirth, etc.)
Amanyë Tenceli - all about Sarati and Tengwar - edited by Mans Björkman
Smith's Tengwar and Cirth fonts - highly recommended
- best Polish page devoted to Tengwar
Mailing Lists
Elendilli: Polish Tolkien Forum about languages of JRRT. Login instructions by Evenstar
Mailing List - mailing list for all Elvish linguists
Mailing List - linguistic list for specialists. Very good!
TolkLang - another good list for the Elvish linguists. Rich archive!
I Lam Arth Forum - a forum
devoted to Sindarin!
Linguistics, Poetry & Art
Ambar Eldaron - Elvish grammar, calligraphy and poetry in French.
High Elves Finno-Ugric? - relations between Quenya and Finnish.
Barad Eithel
- Beleriand online! - edited by Hisielindo (in Russian).
i Eldalambinen - Petri Tikka's site with many Elvish texts!
Gondolin - a lot of linguistic material on the website of Ronald Kyrmse
Graysilk - Elgaladna's website with Elvish art and fashion in Russian
Hiswelókë - good linguistic material in French - edited by Didier Willis.
Hobbit Name Generator - let us all have Hobbit names!
faculté des études elfíques - on Tolkien in French - by
Edouard Kloczko.
Lindamanya -
calligraphy by Arno Luyendijk
Tol Gannel - The Poets' Court - by Eirien - isle of Sindarin poetry!
Leonid Korablev Elvish Art - beautiful art, many Tengwar inscriptions...
My Precious - very proffesional artwork by Lea Sheler
Mellyn in Edhil - Elvish poetry, calligraphy, writing-systems by Lothenon
101 Article - an interesting article about learning Quenya yourself.
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