Naergon an Kharas Crist-Erui
by Jessie Christiansen
Jessie Christiansen or Iessadriel shares with us her love towards Sindarin. Her poem or song is very beautiful both in English (hear it as a sound file!) and in Sindarin. There is a tune and a harp arrangement for the song as well. You can download it from here.
Find dîn morn be taurfuin, hennad be elin iavas silivrin,
Magol dîn celeg, dagrant ú-rem, e milui ar idhren,
E mell velethril eriol, athar phith thenin melethron,
Ne thaurdinnu firn Michrist vîn nuin elenath e lasbelin.
Men urem an arvellon, arnediad ah boeg cothath vîn,Am meriad ammen ne thraw, e callon vinai vedui,
Beleg ho, u-verthant heriad dîr gudwarthen vregol dîn,
Duliel ned i dhu taurvorn danc o adel na gui.
U-'ernim nesto ho egor gedi acharn or chyth dîn,Arphent, "avlinno naergonath", a ned rainc bess vell dîn e firn.
Cíniel hon caedol gwann ennas, beth vedui în, u-lathrannen,Ned i echad boe awarthad, noe eriol ónem a naen.
Linno Kharas Crist-Erui, firn maethor thelion ned estel;
Lasbelin gwaew linnatha o dínen ned ast dannen ho,
Ne morn uireb uidafnen hennad dîn gilvíriel,
I daur ned aur geleriol, ú-echuiatha tíro.
Lament for Edge First Sword
His hair was black as forest night, as bright as autumn stars his eyes,
His blade was swift, but seldom drawn, for he was courteous and wise,
He loved but one, and she loved him more dear than any words can tell,
In forest night beneath the autumn stars our First Sword fell.
We were too few and too alone; our foes too many and too grim;
To guard us in the wilderness no warrior was left but him.
Yet he was stronger than they dared to challenge by direct attack,
So struck him down from hiding, with an arrow in the back.
We could not save him, nor could we avenge his death, although we tried;
His final words were "do not grieve", and in his lady's arms he died.
We could not honor those last words, for what else could we do but grieve
To see him laying slain there in the camp we had to leave.
Sing Edge First Sword, who lived and died a warrior faithful to his trust;
The autumn wind will sing of him, though silent sleeps he in the dust,
And will not wake again to watch the morning forest growing light -
His starlit eyes forever closed in the eternal night.
Interlinear translation
Find dîn morn be taurfuin, hennad be elin iavas silivrin,
Hair his black as nightforest, eyes as stars [of] autumn sparkling
Magol dîn celeg, dagrant ú-rem, e milui ar idhren,
Sword his swift, he battled seldom, he kind and wise,
E mell velethril eriol, athar phith thenin melethron,
Lady-love one heart held, beyond words [her] true lover,
Ne thaurdinnu firn Michrist vîn nuin elenath e lasbelin.
In twilit forest died First-Sword ours under stars of autumn.
Men urem an arvellon; arnediad ah boeg cothath vîn,
We few and friendless; countless and cruel foes ours;
Am meriad ammen ne thraw, e callon vinai vedui
For protection for us in the wilderness, he hero alone last.
Beleg ho, u-verthant heriad dîr gudwarthen vregol dîn,
Strong he, not-dared straight confrontation foe-traitor violent his,
Duliel ned i dhu taurvorn danc o adel na gui.
[Having] hidden in the night blackforest, slew from behind with bows.
U-'ernim nesto ho egor gedi acharn or chyth din,
We could not heal him or catch vengeance over his enemies,
Arphent, "avlinno naergonath", a ned rainc bess vell din e firn.
And-he-said "don't-sing laments", and in arms wife dear his died.
Cíniel hon caedol gwann ennas, beth vedui în u-lathrannen,
Having seen him laying dead there, word last his unheeded
Ned i echad boe awarthad, noe eriol ónem a naen.
In the camp it was necessary to abandon, a lament alone we gave to the slain.
Linno Kharas Crist-Erui, firn maethor thelion ned estel,
Sing Edge Sword-First [or "Lone"], died warrior purposeful in faith,
Lasbelin gwaew linnatha o dínen ned ast dannen ho,
Autumn wind will-sing of silent in dust fallen he,
Ne morn uireb uidafnen hennad dîn gilvíriel
In night eternal ever-closed eyes his star-gems
I daur ned aur geleriol, ú-echuiatha tíro.
Will not have awakening for-watching the dawn [of the] forest growing.
1999 Jessadriel Darkmountain