FotR EE:
complete lyrics!
21, 2005]
news! Finally we have the complete lyrics from the FotR EE soundtrack.
new complete recordings of the FotR had been
released on Dec 13, 2005 and they have published a pdf
file with all the lyrics on
their official website!
Download it...
Annotated Score
[PDF file,
1,08 MB; mirror]
... and compare it with our imperfect
gueses and reconstructions. I am so happy I finally know what is sung
in the obscure fragments of the score.
Is the analysis necessary? I think so. Maybe we can do it together on our
Forum "Elendli"? Welcome to the topic
New lyrics from FotR, TTT
and RotK. Welcome also to our Friends at
A Magpie's Nest!
Magpie discusses it too!
RotK EE: runes from
the helmet deciphered?
19, 2005]
Tethra from
Council of Elrond
has sent us a very interesting analysis of the runes from the Mouth of
Sauron's helmet. See here.

Daniel Reeve in the
20, 2004]
From recently released website of
Daniel Reeve:
"Daniel Reeve is an artist from New Zealand. He is most well known
for the calligraphy and cartography on the film trilogy of The Lord of
the Rings, directed by Peter Jackson. As well as all the maps, books,
scrolls, parchments and inscriptions in the movies themselves, Daniel’s
work extended to the merchandising arm of the project with New Line
Cinema, where he was responsible for much lettering and design, and of
course the ubiquitous map of Middle-earth. Other projects to do with
The Lord of the Rings included artwork for the games of Risk and
Monopoly for Hasbro, Maps of Middle-earth and tengwar lettered trading
cards for Decipher, titles and menus for Extended Edition DVDs, and maps
for a computer game by Electronic Arts, to name a few.
Daniel is
currently involved in two more movie projects: King Kong, directed
by Peter Jackson, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
[sic!], directed by Andrew Adamson (Shrek).
His work can also be glimpsed in the film Van Helsing.
When not working
in the film industry, Daniel creates paintings, exhibiting from time to
time with The New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts and with Watercolour NZ, in
Wellington. Daniel’s paintings are represented in private collections in
New Zealand, United Kingdom and South Africa, and in New Zealand’s
Daniel accepts
commissions for artwork, old-style maps, and calligraphy."
Visiting Daniel Reeve's website is an absolute must for every fan of the
languages in the movie! See also our
department devoted to the writing system devised by Daniel, and see
the new maps and calligraphy by
this artist. |
Rotk EE: more about
the inscriptions
20, 2004]
In the appendices in the RotK EE DVD we can find some new information
about the inscriptions in the RotK movie. Here is what we can see on the
helmet of Mouth of Sauron:

According to Cueru the inscription may read:

I wonder what are the opinions of the
others. A very strange thing is the presence of the Quenya word Ainulin[dalë].
On the DVD we may find out also the
inscription of Grond which reads:
no wall between no power against no
endurance of souls - grond - the will of mordor
Dialog Coach Andrew
Jack's Website!
8, 2004]
Andrew Jack was dialect
& dialogue coach for LotR
(we have written about it here). Now he
has a website with a very interesting documents:
How Elijah Wood
Learned Elvish and
Accent Rationale.
Visiting this website is
absolute must for everybody interested in the languages in the movie!
RotK EE: more about Helmet of the Mouth
of Sauron
18, 2004, October 28-29]
Official Movie Site has presented the RoTK Extended Edition trailer in
which we have a few-seconds-long scene with Mouth of Sauron.
A German website devoted to the RotK EE
has stills from the trailer
with the close-ups of the helmet (one of them is seen on the left). Our
friends: Neratin and Dan Accardi have tried to decipher the runes from the
helmet. According to Neratin they read erroneously ... lammen Gorthaur
(according to some scholars few years ago Sindarin lammen meant 'of
the language' and not, as we know now, 'my language'). Neratin also sees
meloo palan in the second line of the inscription what is in
accordance with the interpretation of Beren from Canada (see
here) The helmet inscription seems to be written in
Sindarin (and not in Black Speech like Ch. Smith stated in his book; see
here). Dan Accardi has tried to decipher the
inscription using three modes of the Cirth runes. Here is what he has
Angerhas Daeron: Inner
Lame: l a m m e ? k/g? o v th a u rh;
Second Lame: ... a u rh
Angerthas Moria: IL:
l a m m e n k/g? o v th a u zh;
SL: ... a u zh
Angerthas Erebor:
IL: l a m m e n k/g? o v th a u gh;
SL: ... a u gh
In my opinion the inscription is in
Sindarin written with the erroneously interpreted Angerthas Daeron. If
you have any ideas concerning this inscription
to me.
The German site
Herr-der-Ringe-Film.de has just reported about some new pictures
from the RotK EE including some more pictures of
the helm. You can see there the runes again, and the
inscription is clearer than it was earlier. Here are the pictures. Who
will finally decipher the inscription? Lothenon is just trying. Tomorrow
we will see the results...

interpretation plus his drawing (right):
It now is pretty obvious that the outer
lame (our right side) reads
Lammen Gorthaur (meant as
"Tongue of Gorthaur" I guess, not in the sense of language), while the
inner lame has ...a beth lammen Gorthaur ("...the word of
the Tongue of Sauron"?). The inner lame of our left side clearly begins in ainul...
(now with correct Westron N, no. 22) and the upper part of the outer
lame begins in Go..., so maybe we have find the same on
both sides? Anyway, I have drawn a little sketch and written in all
those runes that appear clear to me in bright red, where I'm uncertain I
left the original pencil and where it is just obvious there is
something, but I can't really see what I drew Xs.
Neratin from Poland wrote:
Not much more than earlier. Now it can be
seen for sure that the outer lame reads this strange
lammen gorhthaurh
(it can be seen on one lame; on the other we can see
only ..en go.. The outer right (ours
- his left) lame inscription is longer - the word which seems to stand
before lammen is probably
beth, and before it I can see even
...a (it can be pa,
ba, ta); it is possible that it is one word
...abeth. If I was looking for the
reconstructed Sindarin word for English 'negotiator'
I would use something ending with -beth
'word' :-). And before this I can see
am. So the whole inscription seems to be:
...am... a.beth lammen Gor(h)thaur(h).
What is written on the other side I cannot determine.
Clearly we can see there [... meloo palan]
ain(g)ul, then we find a vowel
a (but we can see only
stem and a fragment of a branch). If so, the
inscription is not symmetrical to the inscription on the other side of
the helmet.
Linguistic Soundtrack Textbook by Julian
2, 2004]
Julian Jarosch presents his
compilation of all revealed lyrics from the LotR movie in the PDF document.
As Julian wrote to me in the letter: It's meant to be a help to
find the texts as they are sung in the soundtrack.
So, enjoy Julian's work. We would like to hear your opinions about the
Write to me with questions and suggestions.
Sountrack Textbook
[WinZip file,
675 KB]
Magpie's Nest: new website about the
LotR lyrics!
2, 2004]
I would like to announce
that new website devoted to the LotR soundtrack (and especially the lyrics
in the languages of Middle-earth) has appeared in the net! It is Marilynn
Miller's Magpie's Nest,
a detailed, carefull and very interesting analysis of the whole LotR
I want to thank Magpie for her credits to
Webmaster, Ryszard
Derdzinski and friends have gathered lyrics from many sources and
translated the languages of Tolkien into English. Most of the lyrics I
provide here were from Ryszard's site. This is the premier website for
the lyrics of the soundtrack. When I wanted to compile the lyrics, this
was the place I started and it's always the last place I look before I
commit to a final 'product'. I don't agree with everything they have, but
it's the most comprehensive lyrics site and is updated pretty quickly when
significant information comes to light.
Thank you! Magpie's website will also be the place where
the author of this service will search for the professional information.
RotK: new lyrics from Music from the
Movies, no. 42
27, 2004]
Our friend Candy Schwartz
from Boston, USA, has sent me the articles from
Music from the Movies #42 devoted to the soundtrack in the RotK
movie. We can find there many new lyrics from RotK translated into
Sindarin by David Salo. I present them in our soundtrack department:
I have also corrected few older lyrics:
The Evening Star,
White Rider,
The Grace according to the
information in the article. I am looking forward to hearing your comments.
The Lord of the Rings Symphony: choral
text translation
24, 2004]
David Carroll is
a member of the Atlanta Symphony
Orchestra Chorus. The Chorus is soon to perform the
LotR Symphony with Howard Shore.
Along with the score the members of the Atlanta
Symphony Orchestra Chorus were provided with a PDF
file of the supposed translation of the score. Dave
has compiled a corrected translation
document in which
he has leaned heavily on
our soundtrack
translation site. He has agreed to publish his
document. And here it is: the PDF document:
The Lord of the Rings
Symphony: choral text translation (PDF 44,5 KB)
FotR & RotK:
More and more lyrics!
3, April 20-27, May 24, 2004]
Thanks to the kindness of
Jaime Ondrusek we have three new lyrics in Sindarin which were published
in the sheet music for The Return of the King. They are
White Rider (Mithrandir's Song),
Twilight and Shadow and
The Grace of Undómiel. We
know now all about The End
of All Things too. We need your help in deciphering Twilight and
Shadow and The Grace of Undómiel. The text coming from the
sheet music is obscure.
Danijel Legin has sent me the complete sheet music of the track Minas
Tirith. Thanks to his notes I could reconstruct the whole
White Rider (Mithrandir's Song)
Sindarin lyric. Paul Chapman has sent me the phonetic transription of the
Sindarin lyric in FotR: Amon Hen. Now I am trying to reconstruct that
lyric. Our friend
Pippin's Scarf has sent us the vocal score for the symphony with many new
lyrics from FotR, TTT and RotK. Tonight I have added three new lyrics from
FotR: A Journey in the Dark
(in Khuzdûl),
Departure of Boromir and
The Seduction of the Ring!
Enjoy. Tomorrow there will be more additions.
Update. Thanks to
David Carroll we know the English text of the
Durin's Song performed in
A Journey in the Dark in Khuzdûl.
See it here.
More inscriptions
2, 2004]
The Return of the King
and Peter Jackson have received 11 Oscars! Eglerio! Today I present
few newer inscriptions from the RotK movie. You can see them
here. I'm looking forward to hearing
your opinion about their content.
Update. Thanks to the
discussion in our
linguistic forum we could provide you with the transcription of the
page of the Herbal.
All phrases in
Sindarin, Quenya, Orkish and Rohirric
17-23, 2003]
Today there is The Return
of the King movie premiere! On this occasion I present all the dialogs
in Elvish (Sindarin and Quenya) from RotK. Unfortunately there are only three
phrases in Sindarin and one in Quenya, and all four aren't new for us at
all. Here they are: (1)
Elrond and Aragorn, (2)
Aragorn's Thanks, (3)
Elrond's Farewell, (4)
Frodo's Invocation.
The information comes from
Tithenwen who writes in her letter:
I´m very disappointed to say that there are
only tree lines in Sindarin, and all of them are well known.
Information about the Quenya phrase comes from Lothenon. Enjoy your movie premiere!
And listen carefully. Maybe you will hear another dialog in the languages
of Middle-earth? If you find out something new,
to me please! I am waiting for your comments concerning the languages
in The Return of the King.
Update. Thanks to
Beren I could correct the phrase (3)
Elrond's Farewell. I have also
added the orc cry at the Black Gate: (5) The
Orc Cry.
Many people have noticed
another phrase: (6)
Éowyn's Toast in
Rohirric (Old English).
David Salo's Q & A
22, 2003]
David Salo,
the author of the dialogs and lyrics in the languages of Middle-earth
which were used in the movie, offered to answer a bunch of
questions for the readers of
This interesting interview can be found
Salo revealed there one of
the Neo-Khuzdûl lyrics from
FotR and explained some details of his translator's work. He also said
that his book about Sindarin grammar will be published in 2004!
Salo's explanations and some
notes from our friends (eg. Jonathan Avidan) allowed us to make some
updates in the dialogs and the lyrics. Here
is the Black Speech phrase from Weathertop and
here the new lyric in Khuzdûl.
I have also made some minor corrections in many other dialogs and lyrics
from the LotR movie trilogy. Enjoy!
RotK: Helmet of the Mouth
of Sauron
19, 2003]
In Chris Smith's The Lord
of the Rings - Weapons and Warfare. Illustrated Guide to the Battles,
Armies and Armour of Middle-earth there can be seen Mouth of Sauron's
helmet. It is written that that helmet has the Black Speech inscription in
runes: I am the Mouth of Sauron, hear him speak.
Our friend from Canada,
Beren, has sent me his analysis of this inscription. In the letter he
writes: I have tried
looking closely at the helm of the Mouth of Sauron, and in MS Paint went
over lines I could see in red. You may see this
here. I also included what the
runes were and what I believe they would be in Roman letters. Some of the
lone i's may be parts of other cirth.
Beren's photo with the
reconstruction of the part of the Black Speech inscription can be seen on
the left. For my first steps in reconstructing this inscription see
here. If you have any additional notes
write to me with your ideas,
RotK soundtrack:
Two more lyrics in
11, 2003]
Brian Bly has sent another
Sindarin lyric from the RotK soundrack.
The Eagles come from the
Special Edition booklet. Our friend, Pernilla Jansson said that this lyric
was sung by Ben Del Maestro in Minas Tirith
[2.02]. But now I am sure another friend of Gwaith is right: Caroline from
France has correctly identified this lyric as the text sung in the end of The End of All
Things [4.09-5.04]. Thank you for your help.
Kurt Milano and Pernilla
Jansson found out the
meaning of The Return of the King [4.41-5.24]. It is the first part
of Song to Tinúviel from
FotR which is also sung in The Flight to the Ford in FotR
Tinúviel elvanui,
Elleth alfirin
'Tinúviel [the] elven-fair, immortal maiden...'. See here for its application
in the RotK soundtrack.
Now we must find the meaning
of the following fragments: Ash And Smoke
[1.10 onwards], The Fields [1.47-2.52], The Black Gate [2.00
onwards], The End of All Things [0.37-1.10]
and [2.17-4.08]. Can anybody find out
where eg. The Grey Haven lyric is sung? If you have any
to me, please!
RotK soundtrack: 9 new lyrics in
9, 2003]
Since today the
Edition version of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
soundtrack is available. This edition contains the DVD featuring a
video of the making of the score, and it has
a section entitled Songs,
Poems, and Lyrics.
There we can find 13 lyrics from the CD
including 10 new lyrics (3 of 13 were published in the standard version of
the soundtrack. If we exclude the English text of The Edge of Night
(sung by Billy Boyd) we can 9 completely new Sindarin texts translated by
David Salo. Here they can be found.
It is not easy to apply the lyrics to the songs. As usually H. Shore uses
sometimes only fragments of the lyrics. Sometimes they are very obscure
because of their fragmentation. My attempt in the application of the
lyrics can be seen here.
TTT EE: Once again Éowyn's
4, 2003]
Maria Artamonova, a graduate student of Old English at
Oxford (and a member of the Oxford Tolkien Society) has tried to tackle
the final lines of Éowyn's
Dirge. First she gave few notes to
Tsukusu Jinn Ito's transcription:
1. The Old English for
‘nowhere’ is nahwær, not nowere.
2. The rules of
versification do not permit to have the stranded ‘is’ at the beginning of
the new line.
3. ‘mægen’ means
‘power’, not ‘kinsman’, and is not appropriate.
The line þurh niedig rest. And mægen deorost
has no alliteration and is therefore invalid.
Maria Artamonova's reading
þæt he ma no wære,
his dryhtne
dyrest and mæga deorost
he is no more,
to his lord dearest and
of kinsmen most beloved'
(the words
dyrest and
deorost are nearly synonyms)
If you have another guess
write to me,
I am waiting for your help!
For the whole of
Éowyn's Dirge see
TTT EE: Aragorn's words to Brego
1, 2003, updated December 4]
Tsukusu Jinn Ito from Japan has sent us
the first part of her
transcription of the Old English words of Aragorn
to the Rohan horse Brego. According to Jinn they are:
Aragorn [to a man of Rohan]:
[Hathspell is a
proper name of a man of Mark]
Aragorn [to brego]:
Ælle nog
Fæste, fæste, ælle nog, and stilla,
Lac is drefed, gefrægon.
'All right!
fast, fast, all right, and [be]
A battle is stirred up, [they] heard.'
We are waiting for Jinn's
interpretation of the latter part of this scene. My conclusion of this
scene is here (in places Jinn hears
Hathspell and Ælle nog
I hear Fæste and
stille nú - exactly as it was published in Jude Fisher's TTT Movie
TTT EE: Full text of Éowyn's
1, 2003, updated December 4]
Tsukusu Jinn Ito from Japan has sent us the
transcription of the final part
of Éowyn's
Dirge which seems to be hopefully
the right and final
interpretation. Jinn has been assigned to be in charge of supervising
Elvish and other Tolkien's created languages in Japanese dub version of
The Lord of the Rings: the movie. Because of her education (she first
wrote a BA thesis in 1989 and since then my main studies have mainly
concentrated on Medieval English language and literature as well as Old
Icelandic and other Scandinavian Medieval language and literature in order
to understand Tolkien's real intention and his artistry)
she is very well prepared to such an transcription.
According to Jinn the final part of Éowyn's
Dirge is:
he ma nowere is, þurh niedig rest.
And mægen deorost
'That he is nowhere
anymore, for his necessary rest.
And [that he is] the
dearest kinsman.'
Killing [took him]...
If you have another guess write to me,
I am waiting for your help!
We should also remember
about the earlier attempt of Daniel J. Halloran:
heo mano arer his
þruc ne deores on meagorinc deorcas,
'That noble cousin
who always held me dear to his chest, now is held enclosed in darkness...'
RotK: New runes! Helmet of the Mouth
of Sauron
29, 2003]
In Chris Smith's The Lord
of the Rings - Weapons and Warfare. Illustrated Guide to the Battles,
Armies and Armour of Middle-earth there can be seen Mouth of Sauron's
helmet. It is written that that helmet has the Black Speech inscription in
runes: I am the Mouth of Sauron. Listen to his words. It is
interesting that the quick investigation reveals some of these runes. It
is what I could see:

...mmen and ....n
meilô palan. Of course my investigation can be erroneous. I need your
help. What do you think about this inscription? What does it read?
Write to me, please, with your ideas.
RotK soundtrack: linguistic
27, 2003]
November 24, 2003 the RotK soundtrack was released. We have expected new 'Elvish
lyrics' and here they are! It is really wonderful music, and David Salo's
translations are very interesting.
In the CD booklet we find
only three lyrics in the languages of Middle-earth: (1)
Andúril (Sindarin), (2)
The Destruction of the
Ring (Sindarin) and (3)
Aragorn's Coronation (Quenya - text by J.R.R. Tolkien). But we can
hear more music with 'Elvish', Rohirric and Black Speech words. I wonder
what you think about their lyrics. I need your help! If you have any
to me, please!
The Two Towers: Extended Edition!
16, 2003; updated November 26]
Finally TTT Extended
Editions has been released! We don't find many new phrases in the
languages of Middle-earth there. I have tried to transcribe every new word
which can be heard in the DVD. Here you can see: (1)
Sindarin dialog between Arwen and Aragorn,
(2) Rohirric (Old English) words of Aragorn
to the horse Brego, (3)
Éowyn's Dirge.
I hope you will be able to
help me to correct all what is incorrect in these transcriptions. I am
also waiting for your help in finding the other phrases which were not
included in my analysis. For example we hear more words in Old English (and
Sindarin?) in Aragorn's words to the horse Brego (something like Man
cenich 'What did you see - Sindarin - and more).

From the TTT EE Appendices we know that the two first
lines of Éowyn's dirge are:
fréone frecan forth onsended
sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende
evil death has set forth
the noble warrior
A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels
What is interesting here the
first line is very similar to a line from Beowulf
(line 2265):
Bealocwelm hafað
feorhcynna forð onsended... 'Baleful
death has many of my living kin sent forth...' (thanks to
Pernilla Jansson from Sweden).
David Salo, author of
Éowyn's dirge, wanted another
parallel between Old English poetical tradition and the culture of the
Rohirrim. It is very beautiful!
hope somebody with good knowledge of Old
English will reconstruct the rest of the text of Eowyn's funeral song.
Write to me,
I am waiting for your help!
RotK: Andúril inscription!
21, 2003]
Andúril's inscription is
finally revealed! You can find it analyzed
here. My thanks for this
information to Kirsten Zeller, Menelvantar, Stefan Servos, Tarlancwen
Derencar and Rainer Jarosch.