Lament to Arwen
by Thomas Ferencz
This is a lament sung to Arwen Undómiel by an imaginary bard of Gondor at the time of Aragorn Elessar's death.
Ūrīn dubudi azra-dalad.
Lōmin nakhi.
Urīdim kalubim zāinane.
Ar-Zimranimirun, Arūn an'Adūn
ugruada yadda.
Nithil n'Khibil, Inzil n'Manō!
Batānaki izindā idō lōkhā,
Thānin an'Amān dāurad dubda.
Manōki burōda, Banāth an'Nilū?
Obrōthun n'balīk pharazōn, adūnada ukallaba,
azūlō unakhi -
zāiraki zirānada burōdā minil-dalad.
'The sun falls under the sea.
Night approaches.
The mountains lean on our lands.
King Elfstone, king of the west
passed into the shadow.
Girl of Summer, Flower of the Spirit!
Bent is your straight road now.
The Lords of the West fell into the gloom.
Is your soul heavy, o Wife of the Moon?
Golden is the fore-cutting water of the ships, westwards they went,
from the East they approach -
your longing for your beloved is heavy under the heavens.'