Two Christian Prayers

by David Chapman


David Chapman wrote in his message to the ELFLING list: Here are the first two Christian prayers I have translated (hopefully) into Quenya. I have written each one with the title, followed by the English version. The Quenya translation is then suffixed to this. The numbers in Quenya text refer to the footnotes which follow at the end of each piece. Any comments or corrections you have would be most welcome. This Christian texts were first published on the ELFLING list in April 2001.


The Sign of the Cross

Essenen Atarwa, ar Yondova, ar Ainasúleva. Amen

In the Name1 of the Father, and of the Son2 and of the Holy Spirit3. Amen4.

1 Here I have used the instrumental Essenen - 'By/with the Name', instead of locative Essesse - 'In the Name', both to suit my lámatyáve, and because the prayer is doing something in the Name of God, so that the Name is why the thing will happen, or the instrument through which it shall be done.

2 For both Atarwa - 'of the Father' and Yondova - 'of the Son' I have used capitals (Proper nouns, not just any father and son), and have no i - 'the', as I believe this is not necessary for proper nouns.

3 Possessive of Ainasúle - 'Holy Spirit', from aina 'holy' + súle "spirit".

4 Can 'Amen' still be Amen in Quenya? Richard Derdzinski uses the
reconstructed tancave 'surely' in his Ave Maria, but as in English and
other languages 'Amen' is used, surely the Elves would do so, too.

Glory Be


A laita Atar, ar Yondo, ar Ainasúle. Ve nés i yessesse ná sin, ar yéva tennoio. Amen.



Nai yéva Atar alcaresse, ar Yondo, ar Ainasúle. Ve nés i yessesse, ná sin, ar yéva tennoio. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning
6,, is now, and will be7 forever. Amen.

I didn't think 'glory be' would translate literally, as it is an idiom. Therefore here I have tried to translate it in two different ways. This first way translates 'glory be' as 'glorify' in the imperative, or just simple 'praise'. Therefore I have used the imperative for the verb laita - 'praise'.

I'm not really happy with simply translating 'glory be to the Father' as an imperative; to me it seems to represent something more optative like 'may the Father be gloried' or 'may the Father be in glory'. Unfortunately I have no idea of how to translate a passive idea into Quenya. I know that with the 'wishing formula' you use nai + future form of verb, so I thought that perhaps as I'm saying  'may the Father BE in glory' I could use yéva as a future form of 'to be', thus giving nai yéva. However, having two forms of 'to be' consequetively seems clumsy to me, so this is probably not correct. Any better suggestions?

6 Yessesse 'In the Beginning', taken from Helge Fauskanger's derivation for the
translation of Genesis.

7 Yéva 'will be', again taken from Helge Fauskanger's Genesis. I know that the paradigm for 'to be' from which yéva derives is probably obsoleted by that which produces (Unless 'to be' is a VERY irregular verb!), but it is at least attested Tolkien Quenya, as opposed to any derived form taken from .


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