Varia Archives
Tengwar for Polish by Ryszard Derdzinski
Quenya Numerals by Ryszard Derdzinski
Tengwar for Polish
by Ryszard Derdzinski
Below you can see Tengwar letters devised by Professor Tolkien (or by Fëanor as some say) and adapted by me for the Polish language speakers. As the Polish translator of the Appendices D and E in The Lord of the Rings I present there - as an editoral note - tengwar values for Polish (Powrót Króla, Od tłumacza Dodatku E na język polski, Muza, Warszawa 2000, p. 534). Below you can see a special animation made by me, which illustrates my conception:
Quenya Numerals
by Ryszard Derdzinski
See the small animation below made by me to improve your mathematical skills. I have used here famous tengwar font by Dan Smith.