Alatarielo Nainie
by Vicente S. Velasco
Vicente S. Velasco writes: "I first saw a 'Telerin' version of Namárie in a TolkLang post by David Salo (or was it Elfling?) back in 1997 or 1998 (though incomplete). However, the word he used for "tree" was **galada, not galla, as VT 39 wasn't issued yet at that time. I only made up this version from what I can remember based on my understanding of Telerin phonology and grammar."
English translation of this text can be found in The Fellowship of the Ring and Road Goes Ever On. Please compare this text with Ryszard Derdzinski's Atatarielo Nainie Mistalonnese.
Ai! glaureai dantai lassi thúrinen,
Iéni únótimai be rámai gallaio!
Iéni be lintai iullai avaniei,
mi orobardi lisse-limpeo
Andúne pella, Baradiso tellumei
nu luini iasei tintilai i élni
óma rio gairitário lírinen.
Sí man i iulma nin empantuba?
An sí Tintalle, Baradis Oiolosse
be spaniai mát ria Élni-tári ortane,
ar iliai tiei undulábe dumbule;
ar thindinorielo caita mornie
i falmalinai imbe met, ar híthie,
untúpa Calacirio míri oiale.
Sí vanua ná, Rómelo vanua, Bar-Balai!
Namagrie! Na i hirubadie Bar-Balai!
Nai e-die hiruba. Namagrie!
dumbule. I'm unsure of this word; presume it was a derivative of the stem DUB-.
Bar-Balai. An awkward vinyakarmë I must admit, but can you think of a better Telerin cognate of Valimar? Dor-Balai would be a good alternative (cf. S. Dor-Rodyn)
Namagrie. I based this form from Helge's translation "be well", with *magra a cognate of Q. mára (< MAG-)
hirubadie. The -die pronominal suffix is based on the CE pronominal element DE/LE. -lie is an alternative.