Narn Fingolfin Aran Goloðrim
Lothenon's account in North Sindarinby Florian 'Lothenon' Dombach
The idea behind this composition was to create a text that is written by Fingolfin’s son Turgon himself, thus this is my first attempt to write in North-Sindarin. I mainly based this text upon Galadhorn’s article about Northern Sindarin dialects. I generally use ar for and as sign for the Quenya-influence, leave archaic å unchanged (using Didier Willis’ transcription) and ignore m-lenition (cf. also WJ 414).
North Sindarin text:
Na Mithrim Fingolfin tunc i-'waith hún, ab ho orthorn Chelcharaes, pe-chîr, pen-aes, pen-estel. Chithlum ho carn i-mbar hoen. Entas cuianter mae; mae dan di-achas ar mi ndýr chiph. Ned lû hen i Vrannon-dûr tunc i-nDagor Bragollach; lith, når ar 'urth.
Pen-niphred, Fingolfin rœgiant na-ndagor ereb hún, ar di-'weth Thangorodrim "Hîr e-muil!" nallant ho. Thand ar megil Fingolfin silant sui menel ar cheleg; luin ar glân. Grond dringant ðaith nuir, Ringil ristant odog heiru, i-aran dår ú-dirn ad i-mbair hún…
Le linnam, Fingolfin. Ae, berenwain ar aglarwain in Aranath Edhellin. No mae, adaren, no mae.
Turgon, Aran Gondolin
English translation:
To Mithrim Fingolfin brought his people, after he [had] mastered the Helkaraxë, without ships, without food, without hope. Hithlum he made their home. There they lived well; well but in foggy lands and in fear. At that time the Dark Lord brought the Battle of Sudden Flame; dust, fire and death.
Without fear Fingolfin rode into his lonesome battle, and under the shadows of Thangorodrim he cried "Lord of Slaves!". Fingolfin's shield and sword shone like sky and ice; blue and white. Grond beat deep pits, Ringil cut seven wounds,
[but] the High King did not see his lands again...We chant to thee, Fingolfin. Oh, most glorious and boldest of all Elven Kings.
Be well, my father, be well.Turgon, king of Gondolin
hún - his | < *sûn; see hon (*him) < *sun (cf. lín besides le (/*len) < *lên, *len)
ab - after | see Abonnen (ab-onnen, after-born)
hoen - their (neutral) | pl. of *haun/hón < *sân (cf. *han, pl. hain and the system sketched above)
entas - there | S ennas < *enta-sse > North-S *entas
cuianter - [they] lived | S *cuianner <- S *cuiant -er > NS cuianter
dan - but | by R.D.
°hiph - foggy | (sg. heph) S hethu < *chithw < *khithwa > NS *heph (For not confusing it with -v I do not write *hef)
når - fire | < OS *nåre > S naur
rœgiant - rode | *rœgia- - ride; < OS *rokia < CE *rok-jâ < ROK (horse)
silant – shone | < *sil- (imitating the past tense formation of melo)
°tår - high | < OS *tåra > S taur
aglarwain - most glorious | aglareb+ -wain (s. aglar)