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Welcome all Tolkienian linguists and Tolkien collectors. Here you will find info about all the items, books, calendars and periodicals from my stock. Generally they are publications by myself or by my Polish Tolkien Society friends. Ask for the prices writing to me. All the prices cover the printing, binding and mailing. When you order more than one item the price can be negotiated. Click the picture to order the item.
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Artwork: Map of Arda in the Second Age by Tomasz 'Saso' Kowal
Map in the best resolution can be downloaded here (7 MB)
price: 400,- USD
I am interested in this artwork
Artwork: Map of Middle-earth by Tomasz 'Saso' Kowal
Map in the best resolution can be downloaded here
Large handmade unique color artwork, which can be an interesiting items for every collector of the Tolkienian collectibles. When framed it can be hung on the wall.
Technics: crayons Size: 70 x 100 cm Copies: only one of each map Inscription: Tengwar Quenya Language: English and Polish Sample 1:1 (click the image)
Price can be negotiated !!! |
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A magazine of the Polish Tolkien Society 112 pp., color cover, 22 B&W illustrations, 17 texts in Polish and English List of contents
Gwaihir is the oldest Tolkienian magazine in Poland. First four issues were published in the years 1984-1986, the next two in 1997 and 2000. This is the seventh issue of the magazine. It contains a lot of interesting articles touching Polish Tolkien fandom problems, philosophy, Polish translation of The Lord of the Rings, linguistics. Gwaihir is also a place where the Polish Tolkien Society's artists showed us their beautiful art.
This issue contains three linguistic texts:
(1) Lea Sheler's Fëanor's Betrayal (in English!) being an interesting Sindarin composition by Lea with its linguistic analysis, tengwar transcription, etc. (2) Ryszard Derdzinski's Consonant Mutations In Conceptual Evolution of Noldorin/Sindarin Phonology (in English!) and (3) Derdzinski's In Pathless Mirkwood. Three Central European Motifs In Tolkien's Legendarium (about linguistic associations of Rübezahl-Gandalf, Mirkiwudu-Mirkwood and Radagaisus-Radagast - in Polish).
The price of one issue of the Gwaihir is 9 EUR or 10 USD or 7 GBP. The orders can be sent to galadhorn@elendili.histo.pl; Members of the G-i-P pay: 8 EUR or 9 USD or 7 GBP. The price is including the airmail delivery!
The payments should be sent to my bank account: Bank: PKO BP (Inteligo); Account number: 50102055581111104933100052
For payment details write to: galadhorn@elendili.histo.pl.
Dedicated to Christopher Tolkien by Ryszard Derdzinski special edition 2000, with four illustrations by Ryszard Derdzinski, A4, 16 pp. English version, PB and PDF format
Three Elvish compositions: Our Father (Sindarin), Hail Mary (Quenya) and Ring Poem (Sindarin) by Ryszard Derdzinski. A tribute to Christopher Tolkien, a famous son of J.R.R. Tolkien who edited and published his father's materials, including the linguistic stuff. With a foreword and four illustrations by Ryszard Derdzinski. Yes, I want to order it |
spring 2001 - stirring 2002 by Gwaith-i-Phethdain & Polish Tolkien Society, 9 illustrations by Karolina Stopa, Małgorzata Pudlik, Gildor Inglorion and Ryszard Derdzinski, A4, 10 pp., PB and PDF format, English version. Download!
I am proud to announce that the new Elvish calendar for the human year 2001 (spring 2001 - stirring 2002) is already available. Its full title is Elvish Linguistic Calendar because it contains 8 short texts in Quenya with commentaries and the 'reconstructed words' dictionaries and seasonal Quenya glossaries.The calendar compares the Gregorian dates with these in the reckonings of Imladris, Gondor and the Shire (following Appendix D in The Lord of the Rings and calculations by Boris Shapiro). All the dates in the Middle-earth calendars are given in the Fëanorian numerals. The calendar contains the Foreword explaining the Elvish numerals and all the calendar arrangements and the Note on the Calculations by Boris Shapiro. It can be a nice item in your Tolkien collection or calendar collection. The Calendar is FREE - download! |
Kalendarz magazynu Simbelmynë na rok 1999/2000 Simbelmynë Calendar for the year 1999/2000 by Polish Tolkien Society, 13 illustrations by Aleksandra Jagiellowicz, Malgorzata Pudlik, Karolina Stopa, Ryszard Derdzinski, Arkadiusz Kubala and Maciej Wygnanski, A4, 24 pp., PB, Polish language version
A nice calendar of the Polish Tolkien Society magazine Simbelmynë with splendid artwork by the members of the Society. Artwork in B&W. Gregorian calendar compared with the reckonings of Imladris, Buckland, Gondor and Dwarves. Moon phases are displayed. It can be a nice item in your Tolkien collection. Yes, I want to order it
Kalendarz magazynu Simbelmynë na rok 1998/1999 Simbelmynë Calendar for the year 1998/1999 by Polish Tolkien Society, 13 illustrations by Karolina Stopa and Arkadiusz Kubala, A4, 24 pp., PB, Polish language version
A nice calendar with splendid artwork by two famous Polish Tolkienian artists Karolina Stopa and Arkadiusz Kubala. Artwork in B&W, calendar entries in red. Gregorian calendar compared with the reckonings of Imladris, Buckland, Gondor and Dwarves. Moon phases are displayed. It can be a nice item in your Tolkien collection. Yes, I want to order it |
Gwaihir 2000 A magazine of the Polish Tolkien Society 100 pp., color cover, B&W illustrations, in Polish, English summary
Gwaihir is the oldest Tolkien magazine in Poland. First four issues were published in the years 1984-1986 and one in 1997. This is the sixth issue after a longer break. It contains a lot of interesting articles touching Polish Tolkien fandom problems, philosophy, Polish translation of The Lord of the Rings, linguistics. We can read here about the beginnings of the Polish Tolkien Society (Sekcja Tolkienowska Slaskiego Klubu Fantastyki). Gwaihir is also a place where the Polish Tolkien Society's artists showed us their beautiful art. English summary lets a foreign reader enjoy this interesting issue. Last copies are still available. It must be in your collection!. Yes, I want to order it |
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Simbelmynë Issues 1-10. Years 1997-1999 A magazine of the Polish Tolkien Society 64 pp., A4, B&W illustrations, in Polish, English summary
The Simbelmynë is a bimonthly magazine of the Polish Tolkien Society. Its history began in 1997 when two former magazines Nyellinkë Eldarin and Galathilion joined and their editors, Ryszard Derdzinski and Tomasz Gubala started their cooperation. In the Simbelmynë you will find many linguistic and philosophical articles describing details of Middle-earth. Here Ryszard Derdzinski published his Linguistic Workshops and Sindarin Lessons. Every issue is full of beautiful art. In spite it is in Polish every issue has an English short summary where you can read about the issue contents. A nice item in your periodicals collection. Write to me for the details. Yes, I want to order it |
Elvish Cakes! by Ryszard Derdzinski
These handmade Elvish cakes have been baked by Galadhorn and his wife Eirien according to an old prescription from Esgaroth in Rhovanion. Click every picture to see its normal size. If you want to buy such a cake or order another favorite character from the fantasy books write to us. If you want to see a bigger cake simply click its picture! |