Quenta Silmarillion Fragment: 'Of the Return of the Noldor'
Translated by Pavel Iosad
This is a Sindarin translation of the beginning of the Of the Return of the
Noldor (O Hatholad in-Gelydh) chapter in The Silmarillion (p. 119).
O Hatholad1 in-Gelydh
Trenarenner2 sa tollar Feanor ar ionnath dîn na Ennorath minui3 o Gódhil, ar thollar sain na ‘waith Lammoth, erin edhebaid4 hûb Drengist. Ar ned i-lû5 penio tail in-Gelydh erin i-falas, lastanner hýl hîn ned in emyn, ar phathrant caun meneg lamath veleg chebaid i-Forod bain, ar tholl a sýl i-aear rû ustad6 i-chair ne Losgar, ar anwar pathrant aeben7 i lastant rû hen.Cennar i-laich ustad hen Fingolfin i awarthant Feanor aen8 ned Araman, ar iand9 in Yrch ar i-thirn Morgoth. Ú-drenarenner o nuith gûr Morgoth ned i-lû istad dîn sa tunc Feanor, coth haerwain dîn, ‘weth od Annûn. Ú-‘ostant Morgoth Feanor, ú-istant e valan maigol in-Gelydh; ar túranner sa ethell annaethad hain na ‘aear. Nuin giliath ring, ned i-lû ú-erio Ithil, pant i-‘weth Feanor am chûb daen Drengist i minc10 in emyn Lómin, ar sí11 tredoll ed in-felais na-ndor12 dhaer Hithlum, ar thollar ned i-lû na-nen daen Mithrim, ar ned i-chabad forod e-nen agorer estolad ned i-ndor i estanner aen Mithrim. Dan toll i-‘weth Morgoth i prestanner rû Lammoth ar gail ustad Losgar aen trîn chirith Ered Wethrin ar agorer anollad vragol an Feanor ned i-lû ú-echaded ar ú-garad lest i-estolad; ar ennas ne thailf thind Mithrim maethanner ndagor dadui uith Beleriand. Dagor-nuin-Giliath estanner aen, ú-eriant Ithil ned i-lû, ar linnar laer oh i-ndagor.
1 atholad is constructed from at + tol > *attol- > *athol- (cf. ephel <*et-pel)
2 I use the unmarked plural in -r throughout of the passive, since I think it safe to assume it can be used impersonally
3 munui, not erui, cf. VT42
4 dh in edhebaid is not the spirant, but d + h, and the word is used to translate "outer shores"
5 For 'when', which is a frequent word in the passage, I have used the Welsh-style construction ned i-lû (gerund/verbnoun) "at the time of...". Cf. Welsh ar bryd dod y rhyfelwyr "when the warriors came", lit. 'at [the] time [of the] coming [of the] warriors'.
6 A gerund of a suggested cognate of Qenya usta
7 *aeben is a highly tentative reconstruction of the Sindarin cognate of Quenya aiquen since we can assume the usage of -pen is pronominal here.
8 i awarthant Feanor aen This is a very hypothetical solution to the problem of relative clauses attributed to objects. I think it can be parsed as "whom Feanor left him". Such a parsing method is used, as Ivan Derzhanski notes, in literary Welsh, as well as Hebrew, Persian, and Arabic.
9 iand is a suggested cognate of Qenya yando
10 minc is a suggested pa. t. form of a verb *mîg-, derived from the stem MIK (wherefrom maeg also stems)
11 This is a hypothetical cognate of Quenya sië, isolated from násië
12 I think that the former nasalized stops emerge as such when lenited, on their basis of LotR naur dan i-ngaurhoth, where the sg. form ngaurhoth obviously has ñg:, not ñ.
The word hýl (lenited pl. of sûl) must obviously have a circumflex over the y (the HTML code is &375;)