Lķrė Lassion (Galadriel's Song of Eldamar)
tranlated into Quenya by Erwin "Eärendil" Swoboda
This poem comes from The Lord of the Rings, Book II, Ch. 8.
Lindanen lassion, lauriė lassion, ar lauriė lassi en tuyaner.
Sśreo lindanen, ar sśrė tullė ar ter olwar sśyanes,
Anar pella, Isil pella; i fallė engė eäressė.
Ar hrestassė Ilmarino, laureä alda lohtanė.
Eldamaressė, nu oiolómeo eleni silles,
Eldamaressė, ara i rambar Tiriono eldaiva.
En tuianer i lauriė lassi i andė yeninen,
Vė sinomė lanteär i nķri eldaiva.
A Lorien, tullė Hrķvė, i aurė helda ar ś lassi;
Lanteär I lassi mir celu, I sķrė ausirė.
A Lorien, andavė amįrien hrestassė sina,
Ar mi fķrala riė ilienyė i laureä Elanar.
Mal ai sin linduvan ciryaron, man cirya tuluva nin?
Man cirya atacoluva nin arta allanda Eär?
Glossary of the difficult words:
en 'yonder (there)'.
*tuyaner pa. t. of the verb *tuya- 'sprout, spring'.
sśyanes 3rd person pa. t. of the verb sśya- 'breathe'.
lohtanė 3rd person pa. t. of the verb lohta- 'sprout, put forth leaves or flowers'.
oiolómėo 'of ever eve'. Oio- 'an endless period' like in Oiolairė 'Ever-summer' + lómė 'night' + -o Genitive suffix.
silles 3rd person pa. t. of the verb sil- shine.
ara 'outside, beside'
*ausirė 'flows away'. Au- (a verbal prefix 'off, *away') + sirė (3rd person aorist of the verb sir- 'flow').
andavė adverb 'long, for long'.
amįrien 'I have abided'. 1st person perfect t. of the verb mar- 'abide, be settled or fixed'.
ilienyė 'I have twined'. 1st person perfect t. of the verb lia- 'twin'.
*ai 'if'.
atacoluva 'will bear back'. Ata- 'again (back)' + coluva (3rd person future t. of the verb *col- 'bear').
allanda 'widest'.