RACHEL (f.) - Heb. 'ewe'; *máme "she-sheep" (máma "sheep", probably a general word), thus Máme itself
RADULF (m.) - Germanic 'counsel wolf"; we do not have a suitable word for "counsel" but some Ralf suggested námo "judge, council", so this might be do: Námorácon (with ráco "wolf")
RAGNA (m.) - Scandinavian 'advise, resolution'; saila "wise", quetta "word", so perhaps Sailaquetton
RALPH, RALF (m.) - from RADULF (q.v.)
RANDOLF (m.) - Old Eng. 'shield + wolf'; turma "shield"; narmo "wolf", thus Turmanarmo
RAPHAEL (m.) - Heb. 'God healed'; Eru "God"; *envinyante "healed", thus Eruenvinyanto
RAUHA (f.) - Finnish 'peace'; sére "peace", so Sére as such
RAY (m. and f.) - 'ray'; alca "ray of light", thus masc. Alco or Alcon, and fem. Alce
RAYMOND (m.) - Old Ger. 'judgment, council + protector'; námo "judgment", namna "statute"; *varyar "protector", thus Námovaryar or Namnavaryar
RAYNER (m.) - Old Ger. 'judgment, council + army/host'; námo "judgment", namna "statute"; rimbe "host", thus Námorimbo or Namnarimbo
REBECCA (f.) - Heb. 'snare'; nauma "snare", so perhaps as such or as Neume
REGINA (f.) - Latin 'queen'; tári "queen", thus Tári itself
REINHILDE (f.) - Ger. 'counsel/wise/advice + war/battle"; saila "wise", ohta "battle", so perhaps Sailohte
RENATO, RENÉE (m.) - from Latin 'born again'; *atanóna "born again/back", thus Atanóno
RENATA (f.) - feminine of RENATO (q.v.), thus Atanóne
REUEL (m.) - Heb. 'friend of God'; Eru "God", -ndil "friend of", so Erundil
REX (m.) - Latin 'king'; maybe *táru "king" (from tári "queen") for keeping similarity with REGINA (q.v.), thus Táru itself; or simply Aran
REYNARD (m.) - Old Ger. 'judgment, council + hard/strong'; námo "judgment", namna "statute"; tulca "strong", thus Námotulco or Namnatulco
RHIANNON (f.) - Celtic 'great queen'; alta "great", tári "queen", so Altatári
RHODA (f.) - Greek 'rose'; losille "rose" (but it is from Qenya Lexicon - maybe invalid), thus Losille itself
RICHARD (m.) - Old Ger. 'ruler + hard/strong'; turo "ruler"; tulca "strong", thus Turotulco; another possibility is Old Ger. 'rich + hard', then alya "rich, prosperous", norna "stiff, tough, *hard', thus Alyanorno; this is already used
RICHENDA, RICHELLE (f.) - feminine of RICHARD (q.v.), thus Turetulce or Alyanorne
RIMALLAMA, RIMA (f.) - said to mean 'spirit of the forest'; tavaril "spirit of the woods", so Tavaril itself
RISA (f.) - said to be Spannish 'laughter'; *lalie "laughter" (from lala- "laugh"), so Lalie as such
RITA (f.) - short for MARGARITA (q.v.), so Marille
ROBERT, ROBIN (m.) - Old Ger. 'fame + bright'; alcar "glory, splendour, brillance"; calima "bright", thus Alcarcalimo
ROBERTA, ROBINA (f.) - feminine form of ROBERT (q.v), thus Alcarcalime
RODERICK (m.) - Old Ger. 'fame + ruler'; alcar "glory, splendour, brilliance"; -tur "ruler", thus Alcartur
ROGER (m.) - Old Ger. 'fame + spear'; alcar "glory"; ecco "spear", thus Alcarecco
ROLAND (m.) - Old Ger. 'fame + land'; alcar "glory, splendour"; -nor "-land", thus Alcarnor
RONALD, REYNOLD, RAGNVALD (m.) - Germanic 'advise ruler'; *veuro "vassal, follower", -tur "ruler", so Veurotur
ROSALIND (f.) - Old Ger. 'horse + tender'; rocco "horse"; linda "tender" (from QL, see ALINDA), thus Roccolinde
ROSAMUND (f.) - Old Ger. 'horse + protector'; rocco "horse"; *varyare "she-protector", thus Roccovaryare
ROSE (f.) - 'rose'; losille (QL!), so Losille as such, or we can use Meril being a Sindarin translation of Sam's wife
ROWENA (f.) - Old Ger. 'fame + friend'; alcar "glory"; -dilde or dilme "-friend (f.)", thus Alcardilde or Alcardilme
ROY (m.) - from Gaelic 'red'; carne "red", thus Carno or Carnon (or Carnion ? cf. Morion)
RUBEN (m.) - Heb. 'look/see a son'; cen- "see", yon, yondo "son", so perhaps Cenyon or Cenyondo
RUDOLF (m.) - Old Ger. 'fame + wolf'; alcar "glory, brilliance"; narmo "wolf", thus Alcarnarmo
RUFUS (m.) - Lat. 'red-haired'; carni- "red-"; -finda "-haired", thus Carnifindo
RUNE (m.) - Old Norse 'secret lore'; nolwe "secret lore", so Nolvo (wo is not permitted in Quenya)
RUTH (f.) - Serme or Oselle, see NWHAGEN
RYAN (m.) - probably Irish 'little king'; aran "kind", -ince a diminutive ending, so Aranince
RYANNA, RIANNA - feminine of RYAN (q.v.), so
Aranince as well
<get out get outta here enough already>