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[ E ]

EARL (m.) - 'earl'; cundu "prince", thus Cundu itself

EARLA (f.) - coined feninine form of EARL (q.v.), thus maybe Cundi

EDEN (f.) - Heb. 'delight'; almie "blessedness, good fortune, bliss", thus Almie itself

EDGAR (m.) - Old Eng. 'prosperity/riches + spear'; heren "fortune"; ecco "spear", thus Herenecco

EDITH (f.) - Old Eng. 'prosperity/riches + war'; heren "fortune"; ohta "war", thus Herenohte

EDMOND, EDMUND (m.) - Old Eng. 'prosperity/riches + protector'; heren "fortune"; *varyar "protector", thus Herenvaryar, cf. EDWARD

EDWARD (m.) - Herenvarno, see NWHAGEN

EDWIN (m.) - Old Eng. 'prosperity/riches + friend'; translated by Tolkien alone as Herendil

EDWINA (f.) - feminine of EDWIN (q.v.), thus Herendilde or Herendilme (the latter would mean also 'prosperiry + friendship')

EINAR (m.) - Old Norse 'one + army, warrior'; er- "one, only", mehtar "warrior", so Ermehtar

EIRA (f.) - Welsh 'snow'; losse "snow", thus Losse itself

EIREANN (f.) - Gaelic name of Ireland; Tolkien translated it as Íverin (see QL), so Íverin by itself

EIRWEN (f.) - Welsh 'snow + white'; losse "snow"; losse "white", thus Losselos (Losselosse)

ELAINE, ÉLIANE, ELIANA (f.) - French form of HELEN (q.v.), so Alce or Alcie

ELEANOR (f.) - possible a form of HELEN (q.v.)

ELI (m.) - Heb. 'high'; tára, so Táro

ELISHA (m.) - Heb. 'God is generous'; Eru "God"; faila "generous, fair-minded", thus Erufailo, cf. ALISHA

ELISABETH (f.) - Erunyauve, see NWHAGEN; it might be 'god's promise/oath'; Eru "god", vanda "oath", so Eruvande

ELIJAH, ELIAS - Heb. 'god is the lord'; eru "god", heru "lord", so Eruheru

ELLA, ELLIE - Germanic 'all'; ilya "each, every, all", so Ilye

ELLIOT (m.) - from ELIJAH (q.v.), so Eruheru

ELRIC (m.) - from Old Eng. 'elf-ruler'; elda "an elf" or quende (an elf in general including even the Avari), -cáno, -tur "ruler", hence Eldacáno or Eldatur or Quencáno or Quentur; or from Old Eng. 'noble ruler'; ar- "noble", hence Arcáno or Artur (just a coincidence?)

ELYSE (f.) - Greek 'paradice, heaven'; fanyare "heavens" (not at all the best word but...), so Fanyare by itself

EMIL (m.) - from Latin 'rival'; cotumo "enemy", hence Cotumo itself

EMILIA, EMILY (f.) - feminine of EMIL (see above), hence Cotume

EMMA (f.) - probably Ger. 'entire, whole'; ilya "all", thus Ilya itself or Ilye

EMMANUEL (m.) - Heb. 'God is with us'; Eru "God"; yo, as "with"; me, emme "us", thus could be Eruyomo or Eruasemmo

EMMANUELLA, EMMANUELLE (f.) - feminine of EMMANUEL (q.v.), thus could be Eruyome or Eruasemme

EMMET (m.) - diminutive of EMMA (q.v.), thus maybe Ilyallo

ENFYS (f.) - Welsh 'rainbow'; helyanwe "rainbow", thus Helyanwe itself

ENOCH (m.) - Heb. 'skilled' or 'dedicated'; maite "skilled, handy", *antaina "given", thus Maito or Antaino

ERIC (m.) - maybe Ger. 'ever + ruler'; oi- "ever"; -tur "ruler", this Oitur; or Ger. 'one/alone + ruler'; er- "one, alone", thus Ertur

ERICA (f.) - feminine form of ERIC, thus Oiture or Erture

ERIN (f.) - from EIREANN (q.v.), so Íverin

ESMOND (m.) - Old Eng. 'beauty/grace + protector'; *váne "beauty"; *varyar "protector", thus Vánevaryar

ESTELLE (f.) - probably Old French 'star'; elen "star", thus Elen itself

ESTHER (f.) - perhaps Persian 'star'; elen "star", so Elen by itself

ETHAN (m.) - Heb. 'firmness'; tulca "firm, strong", so Tulco or Tulcon

ETHERDRED (f.) - Old Eng. 'noble + strength'; ar- "noble"; tuo "physical strength", thus could be Artue

EUGENE (m.) - Greek 'noble, well-born'; mára "good"; nóna "born", thus Máranóno

EUGENIA (f.) - feminine of EUGENE (q.v.), thus Máranóne

EUNICE (f.) - Greek 'well + victory'; mára "good, *well"; túre "victory", thus Máratúre

EUPHEMIA (f.) - Greek 'well + speech'; mára "good, *well"; questa "speech", thus Máraqueste

EUSTACE (m.) - probably Greek 'well + grapes'; mára "good, *well"; celuma "orange", thus Máracelumo

EUSTACIA (f.) - feminine of EUSTACE (q.v.), thus Máracelume; it also might be 'fruitful', so perhaps Yávie; or 'good + stability'; mára "good", voronwa "faithful, steadfast", so perhaps even Marvoronwe

EVA (f.) - not certain, but maybe Heb. 'living, lively'; cuile "life, being alive", maybe Cuile itself would be good translation; or perhaps 'life giver'; cuile "life", ánie "giver", so Cuilánie; according to Reader's Digest Dictionary (I was told) it mean 'elf', so Elda

EVANDER (m.) - Greek 'good man/ruler'; mane "good", -ner "man", -tur "ruler", so Manener (or contracted Maner) or Manetur

EVELISE (m.) - combination of EVA and LISA (q.v.), so perhaps Cuiléruve

EVELYN, EVELINE (f.) - derived from AVILA (q.v.)

<get out get outta here enough already>