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[ K ]

Note: Some K-names may be spelled with a C and be found under the C section above.

KAI (m.) - Hawaniian 'ocean'; ear "great sea", so Ear as such

KANE (m.) - Irish 'little battler'; *ohtalle (ohta + dim. ending -lle) "little battle", thus Ohtallo or Ohtaller

KAREN (f.) - a form of KATHERINE (q.v.)

KASSIANA (f.) - from KATHARINA (q.v.)

KATELYN (f.) - variant of KATHERINE (q.v.)

KATHERINA, KATHARINE (f.) - of unknown origin, but there are some suggestions -- one of them is: derived from Greek 'pure/virginal'; vende "maiden, *virgin" (cf. véne, venesse "virginity") *vendea; or vénea "virginal", thus maybe Vendea or Vénea themselves, or Vendie or Vénie; it also might be Poicale (meaning "purification, cleansing"); it might also be related to the name HECATE (q.v.)

KAYSHA - Heb. 'fruit-tree'; yáve "fruit", alda, orne "tree", so Yavalda or Yavalde or Yavorne, also Marinne or Marinde (from QL!)

KELLY (m. & f.) - from Gaelic 'church, monastery'; anusta "monastery" (from QL, maybe not valid!), thus masc. Anusto or Anuston, and fem. Anuste or Anustie; also said to mean 'woman warrior'; so perhaps masc. Ohtar, Mehtar, Ohtatyaro, fem. Ohtare, Mehtare or Ohtatyare or Ohtarie

KELSEY (m. & f.) - Old Eng. 'ship + victory'; cirya "ship"; túre "victory", thus masc. Ciryatúro and fem. Ciryatúre

KELVIN (m.) - perhaps Scottish "narrow water"; arca "narrow", -nen "water", so Arcanen

KENDALL (m., f.) - 'valley of the river Kent'; Cennan (nan "valley"; the element 'Ken(t)' was adapted to Quenya as Cen-); some say it is from Irish meaning 'knowledge'; ista "knowledge", so masc. Isto and fem. Iste

KENELM (m.) - Old Eng. 'brave + helmet'; verya, canya "brave"; cassa "helmet", thus Veryacas or Canyacas (-sso in declination)

KENNA (f.) - from COINNEACH (q.v.), so Vanime

KENNETH (m.) - said to mean 'handsome, quick'; hard to get 'handsome' and 'quick' together in Quenya, but vanya, vanima "beautiful", thus Vanyon, Vanimon or linta "swift", tyelca "swift, agile", larca "rapid", thus could be Linto, Tyelco or Larco

KENNY (m.) - diminutive of KENNETH (q.v.)

KENRICK (m.) - Old Eng. 'royal + ruler'; *arna "royal"; -tur "-ruler", thus Arnatur

KERRY (m. and f.) - from Gaelic 'Ciar's people'; Tyar = adopted 'Ciar' into Quenya, lie "people", so masc. Tyallio, fem. Tyallie (with an assimilation)

KEVIN (m.) - diminutive of Gaelic 'comely, beloved'; *meldince "little beloved", thus Meldince itself

KIARA (f.) - see CIARA above

KIM (f.) - short for KIMBERLY (q.v.); maybe we could have Arte then

KIMBALL, KIM (m.) - said to mean 'chieftain of war'; cánu, cánu, ohta, so Ohtacáno or Ohtacánu

KIMBERLY (f.) - Old Eng. 'royal + hill/mound + woodland clearing'; ar- "noble, royal", tundo "mound", taure "wood, forest", so Artuntaure

KIRBY (m.) - Old Norse "church building"; anusta "monastery" (we do not have any better word and even this one from QL was very likely rejected by Tolkien), -mas "-ton, -by" (even this one is from QL: it was chosen because it fits nicely), so Anustamas

KIRSTEN (f.) - variant of CHRISTINA (q.v.)

KLÁRA (f.) - see CLARA

KLAUS (m.) - Túrelio, see NWHAGEN

KORINNA (f.) - from Greek 'maiden'; vende "maiden", so Vende itself

KYLA (f.) - feminine of KYLE (q.v.), so Arce

KYLE (m.) - Gaelic 'narrow' or 'channel'; arca "narrow", so Arcon; celma "channel", so Celmo

KYLLIKKI (f.) - Finnish 'woman'; Nís, nisse "woman", so Nís or Nisse by themselves

<get out get outta here enough already>