AARON - perhaps Heb. 'enlightened one'; nóla "wise, learned", quen "one", so Nólaquen
ABBY (f.) - a form of ABIGAIL (q.v.)
ABDULLAH (m.) - Arabic 'servant of God'; Eru "God, the One", -ndur "servant of", thus Erundur
ABEL (m.) - Heb. 'breath'; hwesta "breath, puff of air", súle "breath, spirit", so Hwesto or Súlio, also possible may be Súlimo ("wind/breath person", Manwe's title)
ABIGAIL (f.) - Heb. 'father's joy'; atar "father", alasse "joy", so Ataralas (Ataralasse)
ABNER (m.) - Heb. 'father of light'; cala "light"; atar "father", thus Calatar
ABRAHAM (m.) - probably Heb. 'father of multitude'; úve "abundance, great number"; atar "father", thus Úvatar
ABRAM (m.) - Heb. 'high father'; tára "high, tall, lofty" or ar- "high, noble"; atar "father", thus Taratar or Aratar
ABSALOM (m.) - Heb. 'the [divine] father [is] peace'; another (though hypocoristic) word for "father" than the one mentioned above is atto; sére "peace", thus Attoséro (Atasséro with the assimilation of rs to ss would also be possible)
ADAM (m.) - Heb. 'earth'; cemen "earth", so Cemen(o); in Heb. ADAM is simly used for 'man', so Atan (cf. the Sindarin cognate Adan!)
ADELA (f.) - Old Ger. 'noble'; *arna "royal", arta "high, lofty, *noble", thus Arne or Arte
ADELINE (f.) - pet form of ADELA (q.v.)
ADELAIDE (f.) - Old Ger. 'noble kind/sort'; ar- "noble"; nostale "kind, species", thus Arnostale; the second part of the name might mean 'person', which would be easier to translate into Quenya: -quen "person", -wen "maiden", hence Arquen or Arwen (a well-known name); alternatively, arta "noble" might be used instead of ar- and nis "woman", hence Artanis (which is nothing but one of Galadriel's names
ADIN (m.) - masculine of ADINA (q.v.), so Nindo
ADINA (f.) - Heb. 'slender'; ninde "slender", Ninde itself
ADLAI (m.) - Heb. 'God is just'; Eru "God"; faila "just, fair-minded, generous", thus Erufailo
ADOLF (m.) - Old Ger. 'noble wolf'; ar- "noble"; narmo "wolf", thus Arnarmo
ADRIAN (f.) - said to mean 'dark one'; more "dark", so Morion
ADRIANNA (f.) - feminine form of ADRIAN, so perhaps Morie
AGATHA (f.) - Greek 'good, honorable'; mane "[morally] good" can work as the feminine, thus Mane
AGLAIA (f.) - Greek 'beauty, splendor'; vanesse, váne "beauty" can serve as the feminines, thus Vanesse or Váne
AGNES (f.) - Greek 'pure, chaste'; poica "pure", thus Poice
AIDAN (m.) - diminutive of Gaelic 'fire', náre "fire"; -lle a diminutive ending, thus Nárello
AINE, AITHNE (f.) - diminutive of Gaelic 'fire', probably the feminine form of AIDAN above; náre "fire"; -lle a diminutive ending, thus Nárelle
AINO (f.) - Finnish 'the only one'; erya "single, sole", so Erye or maybe even Eri being (grammatically) a feminine counterpart of Eru
AIMÉE (f.) - French 'beloved'; melda "beloved", thus Melde
AISLIN (f.) - Gaelic 'dream, vision'; olos "dream", so perhaps Oloriel
ALAN (m.) - possibly diminutive of Celtic 'rock'; *ondolle "little rock" (ondo + dim. ending -lle), thus Ondollo
ALANA (f.) - the feminine form of ALAN (q.v.), thus Ondolle
ALARD (m.) - Old Ger. 'noble + hard'; ar- "noble"; tulca "strong", thus Artulco
ALARIC (m.) - Old Ger. 'all + ruler'; ilya "all"; -tur "ruler", thus Ilyatur
ALBERIC (m.) - Old Ger. 'elf + ruler'; Elda "Elf, Elda" or Quende "Elf [generally]"; -tur "ruler", thus Eldatur or Quentur (contracted Quendetur)
ALBERT (m.) - Old Ger. 'noble + bright'; ar- "noble"; calima "bright", thus Arcalimo or Arcalimon
ALBERTA, ALBERTINE (f.) - the feminine of ALBERT (q.v.), thus Arcalime
ALBINA, ALBINIA (f.) - from Latin 'white'; fána/fáne, ninque, losse "white", thus Fáne or Ninque or Losse
ALEXANDER (m.) - Atanvarno - see NWHAGEN under Alec (also see a note below the entry)
ALEXANDRA, ALEXANDRINA (f.) - the feminine of ALEXANDER (q.v.), thus Atanvarne
ALEXIA (f.) - the female variant of ALEXIS (q.v.), thus Varne
ALEXIS (m.) - Greek 'helper, defender', *varno "defender" (cf. ALEXANDER), thus Varno itself
ALFRED (m.) - Old English 'elf + counsel'; Elda "Elf, Elda" or Quende "Elf [generally]"; *restale "helping, aiding" (resta- "help, aid, from QL) thus Eldarestalo or Querrestalo (< Quenrestalo < Quenderestalo)
ALGAR, ALGER (m.) - Old English 'elf + spear'; Elda "Elf, Elda" or Quende "Elf [generally]"; ehte, ecco "spear", thus Eldehto or Quendehto or Eldecco or Quendecco
ALICE, ALICIA, ALISON (f.) - arisen from ADELAIDE (q.v.), thus Arnostale or Arquen or Arwen or Artanis
ALINDA (f.) - Old Ger. 'noble + soft'; ar- "noble"; for "soft" we have musse from the very late course, however, the early source Qenya Lexicon lists a word linda (cf. Old Ger. lind "soft, tender"!) "gentle, kind, soft", thus Allinde or Allinda (rl assimilates to ll) or even Alinda would be possible!
ALINE (f.) - form of ADELINE (q.v.)
ALISHA (f.) - probably a feminine variant of ELISHA (q.v.), thus Erufaile
ALIYA (m., f.) - Heb. 'to ascend' or rather 'ascension'; Amel or Ameldo ("the one who goes up (am-)", cf. Oarel "the one who goes away"), fem. Amel or Amelde
ALLON (m.) - Heb. 'oak'; norno "oak", so Norno by itself
ALMA (f.) - Latin 'loving, kind'; méla "loving, affectionate", thus Méle
ALTHEA (f.) - Greek 'healer'; envinyatar "he-healer" (Aragorn's title), so feminine Envinyatare
AMABEL (f.) - from Latin 'lovely, lovable, friendly'; melwa "lovely", thus Melwe
AMADEUS (m.) - Latin 'love of God'; melme "love", Eru "God", so Erumelmo
AMANDA (f.) - Latin 'lovable, fit to be loved'; melima "lovable, fair", thus Melime
AMANDO (m.) - masculine of AMANDA (see above), so Melimo
AMARA (f.) - said to of Latin/Greek origin meaning 'eternal'; oira "eternal", so Oire
AMARYLLIS (f.) - Greek 'to sparkle'; tintina- "sparkle", hence Tintinalle (cf. Tintalle "Kindler", Varda's title)
AMBER, AMBERLY (f.) - Arabic 'amber, yellow'; malina "yellow", malicon "amber" (from QL but related to malina), so Maline or Malicon
AMBROSE, ABROISINE (f.) - Latin 'immortal, divine'; valaina "divine, belonging to Valar, so Valaine
AMINA (f.) - from Arabic 'truthful' (amin); anwa "real, actual, true", hence perhaps Anwe; or from Arabic 'safe' (amina); varna "safe, protected, secure", hence Varne
AMOS (m.) - probably Heb. 'carried' or 'burden'; *colla "borne", có "burden", thus Collo or just Cólo
AMY (f.) - Old French 'loved, beloved'; melda "beloved", thus Melde
ANASTASIA (f.) - Greek probably 'resurrected'; *ortaina "risen", thus Ortaine or lit. Greek 'ana' "up" + 'stasis' "stand": ama "up" tyulta- "stand up", hence Amatyultare
ANDREA (f.) - the fenime equivalent of ANDREW (q.v.), thus maybe [?] Vé or Veasse (with another feminine ending -sse)
ANDREAS (m.) - variant of ANDREW (q.v.), thus Veon
ANDREW (m.) - Veon, see NWHAGEN under Anders, Andy
ANGEL (m.) - Greek 'a messenger' (or simply adopted 'angel'); maybe just Ainu (= "angelic power") would serve
ANGELA (f.) - the feminine of ANGEL (q.v.), thus maybe just Aini (as the feminine counterpart of Ainu)
ANGELICA (f.) - Latin 'angelic'; aina "holy, *angelic", thus Aine
ANGELINA (f.) - diminutive of ANGELA (q.v.), thus maybe Ainince (Aini + dim. ending -ince)
ANGUS (m.) - Old Irish 'one choice'; cilme "a choice", thus Cilmo
ANIMA (f.) - Latin 'soul'; fea "soul", so maybe Fea itself
ANITA (f.) - Spanish form of ANNA (q.v.)
ANNA, ANNE (f.) - Latinized form of HANNAH (q.v.), hence Almie or Almare or Eruanne; some say that it means 'beauty'; váne, so Váne itself
ANNEMIEKE - perhaps a variant of ANNA (q.v.), so Almie or Almare or Eruanne
ANOUK (f.) - from ANNA (q.v.), so Almie or Almare or Eruanne
ANTHEA (f.) - Greek 'flowery'; *lótea "flowery", thus may be Lótea itself or Lótie
ANTONIA, ANTOINETTE (f.) - Lóte, Lóta, Lótiel, see NWHAGEN under Anthony
ANTHONY, ANTONIO, ANTONIN (m.) - Lóto, Lótu, Lótion. see NWHAGEN under Anthony
APRIL (f.) - a month name; thus maybe Víresse or Ertuile (= "April"); or derived from Latin 'to open'; panta "to open", thus Pante
AQUILA (m.) - Latin 'eagle'; soron "eagle, thus Soron itself
ARCHIBALD (m.) - Old Ger. 'genuine/simple + bold'; er- "single, lonely"; verya "bold", thus Erveryo [cf. Old Ger. ercan "single, genuine" and Q. er!]
ARDEN (m.) - Úruvon, see NWHAGEN under Addendum I
ARIA (f.) - It. 'song, melody'; linde "song, tune", so Linde itself
ARIADNE (f.) - Greek 'most holy'; anaire "holiest", so Anaire itself
ARIEL (m., f.) - probably Heb. 'lion of God'; Eru "God", rá "lion", ravenne "she-lion", thus masc. Erurávo and fem. Eruravenne
ARLENE (f.) - Gaelic 'pledge'; vanda "oath, pledge", so Vanda as such
ARNOLD (m.) - Old Ger. 'eagle + ruler'; soron "eagle"; -tur "ruler", thus Sorontur
ARPAD (m.) - Hungarian 'seed'; erde "seed", so Erdo
ARTHUR (m.) - maybe derived from Celtic 'a bear', thus Morco (i.e. "a bear"); or from Irish 'a stone', thus Sardo (from sar (sard-) "stone")
ARVID (m.) - Scandinavian 'eagle + tree'; sorne "eagle", orne "tree", so Sornorno
ÅSA (f.) - Scandinavian "god, goddess"; valie "goddess", so just Valie
ASIA (m. & f.) - probably Assyrian 'east'; rómen "east", so Rómen as such
ASLI (f.) - Turkish 'real'; anwa "real, true", hence Anwe
ASTRID (f.) - maybe Old Norse 'god + fair'; Eru "God"; vanya "fair", thus Eruvanye
ASHER (m.) - Heb. 'fortunate'; herenya "fortunate", hence Herenyo
ASHLEY (f.) - Old Eng. 'ash + wood'; apparently litse "ash" (this word is in Etym glossed as "sand", the Noldorin/Sindarin cognate is given as lith, however in SA this lith is glossed as "ash"); taure "wood, forest", thus Litsetaure
ASHTON (m.) - 'ash + town'; litse "ash" (see ASHLEY), -os "town", so Litsos
ATHANASIA (m.) - feminine form of ATHANASIUS (q.v.), so Ilfirin
ATHANASIUS (m.) - Greek 'immortal'; ilfirin "immortal", so Ilfirin by itself
AUDREY (f.) - probably Old Eng. 'noble + strength'; ar- "noble"; tuo "[physical] strength", thus Artue
AUGUSTA (f.) - a feminine of AUGUSTUS (q.v.), thus Alcarinque (actually a name of Jupiter)
AUGUSTINE, AUSTIN (m.) - Latin diminutive of AUGUSTUS (q.v.), thus Alcarinquallo or Alcarillo
AUGUSTUS, AUGUST (m.) - Latin 'venerable, consecrated, magnificent'; alcarinqua or stort alcarin "glorious", thus Alcarinquo or Alcarin (actually the title of king Atanatar II.)
AUREA (f.) - Latin 'golden'; laurea "golden", thus Laurea itself (just for very similar sound)
AURORA (f.) - Latin 'dawn'; ára, amaurea "dawn", thus Ára itself or Áre or Amaurea
AUTUMN - yálie "autumn", so Yálie by itself
AVA - Persian 'water'; nén "water", so Nén itself or Nene
AVILA (f.) - form of AVIS (q.v.)
AVIS (f.) - of unknown meaning, but it became associated with Latin avis 'bird', so Aiwe or Filit
AVIV - Heb. 'spring'; tuile "spring-time", so Tuilo
AYLWIN, ALWYN (m.) - both from Old Eng. 'noble friend', thus
Ardil; and Old Eng. 'elf-friend', thus Quendil or
Quendendil, or Eldandil, or even in Númenorean usage
<get out get outta here enough already>