BALDRIC (m.) - Old Ger. 'bold + ruler'; verya "bold"; -tur "ruler", thus Veryatur
BALDWIN (m.) - Old Ger. 'bold friend'; verya "bold"; -ndil "friend", this Veryandil
BAMBI (f.) - Italian 'little girl'; vende "girl", -ince a diminutive suffix, so Vendince or Nessawen (for "young girl")
BARBARA (f.) - Greek 'foreign [woman]'; in Etym we find ettelen maybe (Tolkien' handwriting was illegible) "foreign", but it is possible that it is a misreading of *ettelea, thus Ettelie or Ettelewen ("foreign-maiden"); also said to mean 'wind and fierce'; verca "wind", uruite "fiery", so perhaps Vercuruite or just Verce ("wild one")
BARNABAS (m.) - Heb. 'son of consolation'; tiutale "consolation" (from Qenya Lexicon, maybe not valid!); -ion "son", thus Tiutalion
BARRY (m.) - from FIONNBHARR (q.v.), so it may be Findo
BART, BARTHOLOMEW - Aramaic 'son of Tolmai'; the tolmai might be retained, so Tolmáion
BASIL (m. & f.) - Greek 'royal, kingly'; arna "royal", thus m. Arno or Arnon, f. Arne
BATSHEBA (f.) - Heb. 'daughter of the oath'; vanda "oath", -iel "daughter", so Vandiel
BEATA (f.) - Latin 'happy [woman]'; *alassea "joyful", thus Alassea itself (at least it sounds nicely) or Alassie
BEATRICE, BEATRIX (f.) - maybe Latin 'bringer of joy'; alasse "joy"; ante "[she] giver", thus Alassante
BEL, BELLE - French 'beauty, beautiful'; váne, vanya "beautiful", so Váne or Vanye
BELÉL (f.) - said to mean 'house of bread' (probably from Hebrew); masta "bread", -mar "home of", so perhaps Mastamar
BENEDICT (m.) - Latin 'blessed'; laitaina "blessed", thus Laitaino/Laitainon
BENEDICTA (f.) - feminine of BENEDICT (q.v.), thus Laitaine
BENJAMIN (m.) - Heb. 'son of the right hand' and also 'son of the south'; unfortunately Quenya word for "south" hyarmen is related to hyarya "left", while Hebrew word for "right hand" is related to "south", but Hyarion (-ion "son") would be good
BERENGER (m.) - Old Ger. 'a bear + a spear'; morco "a bear"; ehte "a spear", thus Morcehto or Morcehton
BERENICE (f.) - Greek 'bringer of victory'; túre "victory"; ante "she-giver", thus Túrante
BERNARD (m.) - Old Ger. 'a bear + hard'; morco "a bear"; tulca "strong, firm, steadfast", thus Morcotulco or Morcotulcon
BERNADETTE (f.) - feminine of BERNARD (q.v.), so Morcotulce
BEAR (m.) - morco "bear", so Morco as such
BEARTHA (f.) - Old Ger. 'bright'; calima "bright", but Calime is already used for CLARA (q.v.), maybe another feminine ending to make difference as -ie, thus Calimie
BETHIA (f.) - Heb. 'daughter of Jehovah'; Eru "God"; -iel "daughter", thus Eruiel
BETTINE (f.) - from ELISABETH (q.v.), so Erunyauve; since the name is evidently derived from the latter part of Elisabeth, that is from 'beth', maybe it could be also Vandalle, Vandinde or Vandisse (with another word for "god" which, as suggested by others, would be better here)
BIANCA (f.) - Italian form of BLANCHE (q.v.), thus Fánie or Lossie or Ninquie
BLAIR (m. and f.) - Gaelic 'plain, field'; latin, latina adj. "open, free, cleared [land]", maybe n. *"field, open", thus masculine Latino or Latinon, and fenimun Latine
BLAKE (m.) - from Old Eng. 'black'; morna "black", thus Morno or Mornon
BLANCHE, BLANKA (f.) - French 'white [woman]'; fána/fáne or losse or ninque "white (as clouds - as show - chill, palid)", but as Fáne, Losse and Ninque is translated ALBINIA (q.v.), thus maybe another feminine ending - Fánie or Lossie or Ninquie
BLODWEN (f.) - Welsh 'flowers + white/fair'; lóti "flowers"; losse "white", thus Lótilos
BLOSSOM (f.) - losse "blossom", thus Losse itself or Lossie
BOB (m.) - a short form of ROBERT (q.v.)
BONAMY (m.) - French 'good friend'; mane "good"; -ndil "friend", thus Manendil or contracted Mandil
BONAVENTURE (m.) - Italian 'good luck'; mára "good [of things]"; lanqua "luck" (from Qenya Lexicon, maybe not valid), thus maybe Máralanquo
BONIFACE (m.) - Latin 'good-doer'; mára "good"; tyaro "doer", thus Máratyaro
BONNIE (m.) - either from Latin 'good' or Celtic 'pretty'; mára "good, useful" (normally applied to things) or mane "[morally] good" (it is however from Qenya Lexicon), so Máre or Mane; vanya "beautiful, fair", vanima "beautiful", hence Vanye or Vanime
BOYD (m.) - Scottish 'blonde'; malina "yellow", so Malino
BRADLEY (m.) - Old Eng. 'broad + wood'; palla, landa "wide"; taure "wood, forest", thus Pallatauro/Pallatauron or Landatauro/Landatauron
BREANNE (f.) - variant of BRIAN (q.v.), so Polde; it also might be Arquen ("noble") or Oron ("hill") or Amboriel
BRENDA (f.) - maybe derived from Old Norse 'sword'; macil "sword", thus maybe Macile or Macilie or Macilme
BRENDON (m.) - Úrambo, see NWHAGEN under 'Addendum I'
BRENT (m.) - maybe derived from Old Norse 'sword' (cf. BRENDA); macil "sword", maybe Macilo or Macilon or Macilmo [*]
[*] On Elfling, slimehoo wrote: "Unfortunately, it looks like it has some of the errors that can be found in other baby books, like conflating "Brandon" with "Brendan" (actually it refers to the article that gives a translation for "Brandon" in its entry for "Brendan"). In truth, these are two distinct names that simply happened to end up resembling each other. "Brendan" comes from the Irish "Breandan", (Scottish "Breannan"), which seems to be from the Welsh for "prince" or "king" ("brenin"). Whereas "Brandon" comes from the Old Norse for "sword" ("brand-") (and is the masculine form of "Brenda"--there is no feminine form of Breandan, although if it existed it would be something like "Breandainid" or "Breandanacht" (broad to broad and slender to slender, after all))." -- If so, BRENDAN would be Aran ("king") or Cundu ("prince")
BRENO (m.) - said to be Gaelic 'chief, boss, leader'; héru "lord", tulco "chief", so Héru and Tulco as such
BRIAN (m.) - uncertain, however NWHAGEN gives Poldon
BRIANNA (f.) - a feminine of BRIAN (q.v.), thus Polde
BRIDGET, BRIDGETTE, BIRGETTA (f.) - Celtic 'the high/exalted one'; tára "high", thus Táre or Tarie or Tarwen ("high-maiden"); or 'high goddess'; valie "goddess", so Tarvalie
BROOKE (f.) - 'brook'; nelle "brook", thus Nelle itself or Nellie
BRONWEN, BRONWEN (f.) - Welsh 'fair breast'; ambar "breast", vanya "fair", so perhaps Ambarvanye
BRUNO (m.) - Ger. 'brown'; varne "brown", thus Varno or Varnon (maybe Varnion, cf. Morion "The black one")
BURTON (m.) - Old Eng. 'fortress + enclosure; arta "fortress";
peler "walked house or village, 'town'", thus Artapel
<get out get outta here enough already>