∙ Sindarin ∙ |
1. Galadriel's Prologue. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Opening words of Lady Galadriel being a motto of the film. This phrase was first recorded at Mythcon 2001 during an interview with Philippa Boyens. It was analyzed by Patrick. In the book words of Fangorn: "...the world has changed, I can feel it in the water, I can feel it in the earth, I can smell it in the air." Compare with a translation of this fragment by Ryszard Derdzinski.
Galadriel: 'The world is changed; I can feel it in the water, I can feel it in the earth, I can smell it in the air.'
I amar n. 'the world'. prestar aen v. pass. 'is changed'; cf. presta- 'affect, trouble' (LR 380). David Salo explains it as aen 'they' and prestar '[they] change' in Elfling message no. 16323. han pron. 'it'. mathon v. pres. 'I feel'; cf. matha- 'feel, stroke, handle' (LR 371). ne, ned prep. 'in, of'. nen n. 'water'. cae, mut. chae n. 'earth'. a conj. 'and'. noston v. 'I smell'; *nosta- 'smell'; cf. stem NUS-; Q nusta- 'smell'. In the official recording ennorously (?) nostron, from **nostra-? 'wilith n. 'air as a region'; usually ned 'in' triggers a stop mutation; if so it should be *ne gwilith 'in the air'. However David Salo writes: "I would not expect on historical grounds for *w to behave exactly like *g; since *w > gw is an instance of 'fortition' (change of approximant to stop) and *g > zero is the opposite, lenition. If we started with, say, *ed+wilith (or *wilitthe), then - assuming that the two words remain in contact throughout their development, then the fortition never gets a chance to take place. You would have e wilith instead of *ed wilith if the loss of the final consonant occurred, generally, before any other consonant" (David Salo, Elfling message from Jan 16, 2002).
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
2. Elrond's Battle Cry. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Elrond's words to his army during the battle of the Last Alliance. Though the second part of this battle cry is hado i philinn in the movie script, it seems that Hugo Weaving (Elrond) cries leithio i philinn (as David Salo wrote in his letter to me. R.D.).
Tangado haid! Leithio i
elrond: 'Hold [your] positions! Fire the arrows!' [no subtitles]
tangado v. imper. 'make firm, establish!'; *tangada- 'to make firm' (LR 389). haid n. 'places, spots'; lenited form of said, pl. of sad 'place, spot' (UT 425). leithio v. imper. 'release!'; cf. leithia- 'set free, release' (LR 368). i philinn n. 'the arrows'; nasal mutation of pilinn, sg. pilinn; cf. Q pilin 'arrow'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
3. Arwen on Weathertop. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Arwen's words to dying Frodo after the attack of the Nazgûl.
arwen: Frodo, im Arwen. Telin le thaed. Lasto
beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad.
arwen: 'I am Arwen - I've come to help you. Hear my voice... Come back to the light.' [lit. 'Frodo, I [am] Arwen. I come to help you. Listen to my word, come back to [the] light.']
im pron. 'I'. telin v. 'I come; I have come'; cf. tol- 'come'. le pron. 'you'. thaed inf. 'to help'; derivative of *STA- 'help'. lasto v. imp. 'listen'. beth n. 'word; *voice'; lenited form of peth. nîn pron. 'my'. tolo v. imp. 'come'. dan adv. 'back'. nan adv. 'to the'; it is derived from na 'to, towards' + i(n) 'the' galad n. 'light'; lenited form of calad 'light'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
4. Before the Bruinen Raid I. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Arwen and Aragorn talk before the Bruinen Raid.
aragorn: Dartho guin Beriain. Rych le ad tolthathon. arwen: Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im. aragorn: Andelu i ven. ... arwen: Frodo fîr. Ae athradon i hîr, tûr gwaith nîn beriatha hon. aragorn: Be iest lîn.
'Stay with the Hobbits
- I will send horses for you.' Arwen: 'If I can get accross the river the power of my people will protect him.' [lit. 'Frodo dies. If I get across the river, [the] power of my people will protect him.' aragorn: 'According to your wish' [no subtitle given]
dartho v. imper. 'wait; stay'; cf. dartha- 'wait, stay, last, endure' (LR 353). guin prep. 'with the'; *go, gwa- 'together with' + in 'the (pl.)'. Beriain n. 'Hobbits', lenited form of Periain, pl. of Perian. rych n. 'horses', plural of roch 'horse'. le pron. 'you'. ad tolthathon v. fut. 'I will send'; cf. ad adv. 'again' + toltha- 'fetch, summon, make come'. hon pron. 'he; him' mabathon v. fut. 'I will take'; *mab- 'seize, take away by force, *take'; MAP- 'grasp' (LR 371) rochon n. 'rider' ellint adj. 'swifter'; an- + lint 'swift' (UT 318) im pron. 'I' andelu adj. 'more dangerous'; an- + delu 'hateful, fell; *dangerous'. i ven n. 'the road'; lenited form of men 'way, road'. Frodo n. 'Frodo'; shouldn't it be rather Iorhael in Sindarin? fîr v. pres. 'dies'; cf. *fir- 'die', PHIR- 'exhale, expire, breath out' (LR 381) ae
conj. 'if';
reconstructed after Q ai-quen
'if anybody, whoever' (WJ:372). athradon v. pres. 'I cross'; cf. athrada- 'cross, traverse' (LR 383). i hîr n. 'the river'; lenited form of sîr 'river'. tûr n. '*power; mastery, victory'. gwaith n. 'people'. nîn pron. 'my'. beriatha v. fut. '[it] will protect'; cf. beria- 'protect' (LR 351). hon pron. 'he; him' be adv. 'according to the'. [in the movie script erroneously beyest] iest n. 'wish'. [in the movie script erroneously beyest] lîn pron. 'your'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
5. Before the Bruinen Raid II [not included in the film] For the first time revealed in the TolkLang message number 40.00 by Gernot Katzer. Arwen's words to Aragorn before the flight to Bruinen Ford; cf. Glorfindel's 'I fear that we may find the Ford is already held against us' (I 276). First analyzed by Javier Lorenzo.
Arwen to aragorn: Ingon
i athrad dammen beriathar aen.
Arwen to aragorn: 'I guess the ford will be held against us'
ingon 1st pers. pres. 'I guess; perhaps'; *ing- 'guess, suppose'; IÑK- 'guess' (LR 361). i athrad n. 'the ford'. dammen adv. 'against us'; dan 'against' + men 'we; us'. beriathar aen v. fut. passive 'will be guarded, will be held'; beria- 'protect'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
6. Bruinen Raid. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Arwen to her horse, Asfaloth. Author of the phrase is J.R.R. Tolkien (cf. The Fellowship of the Ring book).
Arwen: Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim! ... Arwen: Noro lim!
Arwen: 'Ride fast, Asfaloth, ride fast!' [no subtitles given] ... Arwen: 'Ride fast!' [no subtitles given]
lim adv. '*fast'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
7. Bruinen Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring] First revealed on the Lord of the Rings Website. The 'Bruinen Spell' against the Ringwraiths. First analyzed by Måns Björkman.
Nîn o Chithaeglir lasto beth daer; Rimmo nîn Bruinen dan in Ulaer!
'Waters of the Misty Mountains listen to the great word; flow waters of Loudwater against the Ringwraiths!' [no subtitles given]
nîn n. pl. 'waters'; pl. of nên 'water' o Chithaeglir n. 'from Misty Mountains'; stop mutation of Hithaeglir. lasto v. imp. 'listen' beth n. 'word'; lenited form of peth. daer adj. 'great' rimmo v. imp. 'flow'; *rimma- 'flow like a torrent'; RIP- ' rush, fly' (LR 384) Bruinen n. 'Loudwater' dan adv. 'against' in Ulaer n. 'the Ringwraiths'
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
8. Elrond's Healing Words. [The Fellowship of the Ring] First seen in the LOTR 2002 Daily Calendar. Elrond healing Frodo in Rivendell.
elrond: Frodo, lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad
elrond: 'Frodo, hear my voice, come back to [the] light.' [no subtitles given]
Frodo n. 'Frodo'; shouldn't it be rather Iorhael in Sindarin? lasto v. imp. 'listen' beth n. 'word; *voice'; lenited form of peth. nîn pron. 'my' tolo v. imp. 'come' dan adv. 'back' nan adv. 'to the'; it is derived from na 'to, towards' + i(n) 'the' galad n. 'light'; lenited form of calad 'light'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
9. Elrond Near Gilraen's Grave. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Aragorn visits his mother's grave. Elrond tells to him in Sindarin.
elrond: Anirne hene beriad i chên lîn. Ned Imladris nauthant e le beriathar aen.
elrond: 'She wanted to protect her child.
thought in Rivendell you would be safe.'
anirne v. pret. '[she] wanted'; cf. aníra '[he] wants'. hene pron. 'she'. beriad gerund 'to protect'; cf. beria- 'protect' (LR 351). i chên n. 'the child'; lenited form of hên 'child'. lîn prep. 'her'. ned prep. 'in'. nauthant v. pret. '[she] thought'; cf. nautha- 'conceive; *think' (LR 378). e pron. 'he/she'. le pron. 'you'. beriathar aen v. fut. passive 'will be guarded, will be held'; beria- 'protect'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
10. Aragorn and Arwen in Imladris. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Romantic scene in Rivendell; in the background you can hear the soundtrack Aníron.
arwen: A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Aragorn. arwen: Ú or le a ú or nin. ... arwen: Renich i lú i erui govannem? aragorn: Nauthannen i ned ôl reniannen. arwen: Gwenwin in enninath... arwen: Ú-'arnech in naeth i si celich. arwen: Renich i beth i pennen?
'The Shadow does not hold sway yet' [Lit.
'Till now the Shadow not masters, Aragorn.'] arwen: 'Do you remember the time when we first met?'
'I thought I had strayed into a dream'
a si adv. 'as yet' = 'up to the present time'; cf. an 'to, towards' + si 'now'. i-Dhúath n. 'the Shadow'; lenited form of dúath 'darkness, shadow'. ú-orthor v. pres. '[it] doesn't conquer'; cf. orthor- 'master, conquer' (LR 395). ú adv. 'not'. or prep. 'above, over'. le pron. 'you'. a conj. 'and' nin pron. 'me' renich v. pres. 'you remember'; *ren- 'remember'; REN- 'recall, have in mind'. i lú n. 'the time'; cf. lû 'time, occasion'. i pron. & conj. 'that; here: when'. erui adj. & adv. 'first' govannem v. pret. 'we met'; cf. *govad- 'meet'. nauthannen v. pret. 'I thought'; cf. nautha- 'conceive; *think' (LR 378). ned prep. 'in'. ôl n. 'dream'. reniannen v. 'I strayed'; cf. renia- 'stray' (LR 383) gwenwin v. pret. '[they] passed'; cf. gwanna- 'to depart, to die' (LR 397). in enninath n. 'the long year'; cf. *annin 'long year'. ú-'arnech v. pret. 'you didn't have'; lenited form of garnech; cf. gar- 'hold, have, possess' [in the movie script erroneously ú-arnech]. in naeth n. 'the woes; *the cares'. si adv. 'now'. celich v. pres. 'you carry'; *col- 'carry'; *KOL- 'bear, carry'. i beth n. 'the word'; lenited form of peth 'word'. pennen v. pret. 'I told'; cf. ped- 'say, speak'; KWET-.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
11. Council of Elrond. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Words of Aragorn to Legolas.
aragorn: Havo dad, Legolas.
aragorn: 'Sit down, Legolas'
havo dad v. imper. 'sit down'; cf. *hav- 'sit'; KHAM- (LR 363); dad adv. 'down, downwards'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
12. Caradhras Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring] First seen in the LOTR 2002 Daily Calendar. Gandalf at Redhorn.
Losto Caradhras,
sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!
gandalf: 'Sleep Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold [your] wrath' [no subtitles given]
losto v. imp. 'sleep'; *losta- 'sleep', (O)L-OS- 'sleep' (UT 396). Caradhras n. 'Redhorn'; from caran 'red' + rass 'horn'. sedho v. imp. 'be still'; *sedh- 'be quiet, be still'; SED- 'rest, peace'. hodo v. imp. 'lie still'; *hoda- 'rest, lie at ease'; KHAW- (LR 363-4). nuitho v. imp. 'hold, not allow to continue'; nuitha- 'to stunt' (WJ 413). i 'ruith n. 'the wrath'; *gruith 'wrath'; G-RUK- 'terror'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
13. Moria Gate Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Gandalf's spell in Sindarin composed by J.R.R. Tolkien (cf. The Fellowship of the Ring book).
gandalf: Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen.
Fennas Nogothrim
lasto beth lammen.
gandalf: 'Gate of the Elves open now for me' gandalf: 'Doorway of the Dwarf-folk listen to the word of my tongue.' [no subtitles given]
*only in FotR DVD extended version
annon n. 'great door or gate'. edhellen adj. 'Elvish'. edro v. imper. 'open'; cf. edra- 'open'. hi adv. 'now'; lenited form of si. ammen pron. 'for us'. fennas n. 'great door or gate'. nogothrim n. '[of] Dwarves'. lasto v. imper. 'listen'. beth n. 'word'; lenited form of peth. lammen n. 'tongue-my'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
14. Lórien Dialog I [FotR DVD extended version] Fragment of the movie script first revealed by Tolkien-Movies website. It is welcome in Lórien described in chapter Lothlórien in the Fellowship of the Ring book: cf. "Then he [Haldir] shut off the light again, and spoke words of welcome in his elven-tongue". A fragment of this dialog was quoted in the TolkLang message number 40.00 by Gernot Katzer.
haldir: Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion. legolas: Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien. haldir:
Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen.
haldir: 'Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil.' legolas: 'Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien' (lit. [is] obliged) haldir: 'Aragorn of Dúnedain, you are known to us.' [lit. 'Oh Aragorn of the Dúnedain, you [are] known to us'.] aragorn: 'Haldir'. [no subtitle given]
mae govannen 'welcome; lit. well-met' Legolas Thranduilion 'Legolas Thranduilson'; cf. S -ion 'son' govannas n. 'fellowship'; < CE *wobandasse; BAD- 'bind' (LR 350). vîn pron. 'our'; cf. VT #44, Sindarin Ae Adar nín. gwennen pp. '[is] obliged'; cf. *gwedh- 'bind' (LR 397). le pron. 'you'. Haldir o Lórien 'Haldir of Lórien'. A Aragorn n. 'Ah Aragorn'. in Dúnedain n. 'of the West Men'. istannen pp. 'known'. le pron. 'you'. ammen pron. 'to us'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
15. Lórien Dialog II. [only in the FotR cinema version] This scene differs from the DVD extended version.
aragorn: Haldir o Lórien. aragorn: Henio, aníron, boe ammen i dulu lîn. aragorn: Boe ammen veriad lîn.
aragorn: 'Haldir from Lórien.' aragorn: 'Understand, I wish [i.e. please, understand!], we need you support [lit. it is necessary to us your help].' aragorn: 'We need your protection' [Lit. 'it is needed to us your protection']
Haldir o Lórien n. 'Haldir of Lórien' henio, v. imperative. 'understand!'; cf. henia- 'understand'. anírion v. pres. 'I want'; cf. aníra- 'desire'. boe v. pres. impersonal 'it is necessary (to), one needs (to)': David Salo's reconstruction based on the Noldorin bui (see Etymologies and Elfling message). ammen pron. 'to us'. i dulu n. 'the support'; lenited form of tulu 'support, prop' (LR 395). lîn pron. 'your'. veriad n. 'protection'; lenited form of *beriad 'protect' (LR 351).
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
16. Lórien Dialog III. [FotR DVD extended version] Dialog between Aragorn and Haldir, which is not translated in the movie. It can be understood only partially.
... aragorn: Boe ammen veriad lîn. aragorn: Andelu i ven. ... aragorn: Merin le telim. aragorn: Henio, aníron boe ammen i dulu lîn. ... aragorn: Andelu i ven. ...
... aragorn: 'We need your protection' [Lit. 'it is needed to us your protection']. aragorn: 'The road [is] very dangerous.' ... aragorn: 'I wish we come to you'. [this phrase is very obscure] aragorn: 'Understand, I wish [i.e. please, understand!], we need you support [lit. it is necessary to us your help].' ... aragorn:'The road [is] very dangerous.' ...
boe v. pres. impersonal 'it is necessary (to), one needs (to)': David Salo's reconstruction based on the Noldorin bui (see Etymologies and Elfling message). ammen pron. 'to us'. veriad n. 'protection'; lenited form of *beriad 'protect' (LR 351). lîn pron. 'your'. andelu adj. 'more dangerous'; an- + delu 'hateful, fell; *dangerous'. i ven n. 'the road'; lenited form of men 'way, road'. merin adj. 'I wish'; cf. Q merin 'I wish'. le pron. 'you'. telim n. 'we come'; cf. tol- 'come'; telin 'I come'. henio, v. imperative. 'understand!'; cf. henia- 'understand'. anírion v. pres. 'I want'; cf. aníra- 'desire'. i dulu n. 'the support'; lenited form of tulu 'support, prop' (LR 395).
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
17. Celeborn's Warning [FotR DVD extended version] Words of Celeborn to Aragorn in the scene of the farewell in Lórien. First published in TolkLang message number 40.00 by Gernot Katzer.
Le aphadar aen.
celeborn: 'You are being followed'
le pron. 'you'. aphadar aen v. pres. passive 'is/are [being] followed'.
∙ Sindarin ∙ |
18. Galadriel's Farewell [The Fellowship of the Ring] Last words of Galadriel to Aragorn during the farewell in Lórien. Blue text is the reconstruction of the Sindarin text made by Elhath and Ryszard Derdzinski. It should be verified by David Salo, so I ask for his explanation.
[Sindarin text is still incomplete. I would love to hear your opinions about these sentences. R.D.]
galadriel: Am meleth dîn. I ant e guil Arwen Undómiel pígatha. aragorn: Aníron i e broniatha, ad ae periatham athar i methid en-amar hen. Aníron i e círatha na Valannor. ... galadriel: Namárië [Quenya; see here] galadriel: Nadath nâ i moe cerich. Dan, ú-'eveditham, Elessar.
galadriel: 'For her love. I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish.' [lit. 'The gift of life of Arwen will dwindle'] aragorn: 'I would have her leave these shores and be with her people. I would have her take the ship to Valinor.' [lit. 'I wish that she endures, even if we separate beyond the limits of this world. I wish that she sails to Valinor'] ... galadriel: 'There is much you have yet to do. We shall not meet again, Elessar.'
am prep. 'to, towards, for'; an before initial m- becomes am. meleth n. 'love'. dîn pron. 'your'. i definite article 'the'. ant n. 'gift'. e guil n. 'of life'; guil is a lenited form of cuil 'life' (LR 366). pígatha v. fut. 'will fade'; *píga- 'lessen, dwindle' (cf. Q píca- 'lessen, dwindle', PIK-). aníron v. pres. 'I desire'; cf. aníra- 'to desire' (SD 129-31) + -on '1st sg: I, me'. e pronoun 'he, she'. broniatha v. fut. 'will endure'; *píga- 'lessen, dwindle' (cf. Q píca- 'lessen, dwindle', PIK-). ad adv. 'again; back, re-'. According to David Salo it means here '(in) a second (other) (case)'.
conj. 'if';
reconstructed after Q ai-quen
'if anybody, whoever' (WJ:372). periatham v. fut. 'we will divide'; *peria- 'divide in middle, halve; separate, part (in half)"' (cf. Q perya- 'divide in middle, halve', PER-). athar prep. 'beyond' (according to David Salo the attested form from Sauron Defeated athan is a misreading and should be athar). methid n. 'ends; limits'; pl. of methed 'end'. en-amar n. 'of the world'. hen adv. 'this'; lenited form of *sen 'this'. círatha v. fut. '[she] will sail'; *círa- 'sail' (cf. Quenya círa-) na Valannor n. 'to Valinor'; Valannor is a lenited form of Balannor 'Valinor'. Vincente Velasco writes: "That word may be fine during the time of the Etymologies, but in the fifties, Tolkien had ceased using that word, and substituted it with Dor-Rodyn. IMHO, Balannor is most probably a Sindarized (i.e., by the Noldor) form of Valinor. The Sindar knew about this land, but referred to it as Dor-Rodyn." nadath n. coll. 'things, *many, *much' (?); cf. nad 'thing' (LR 374). nâ v. pres. '[it] is'; cf. no 'be', imperative of *na- 'to be' (VT#44, 21). i moe v. pres. impersonal 'what is necessary (to), what one needs (to)': David Salo's reconstruction based on the Noldorin bui (see Etymologies and Elfling message no 15743). The form i moe may come from lenition of boe after the pronoun i 'what'. The form boe < OS *mbauia < CE *mbawya (MBAW- LR 372). cerich v. pres. '[you] do'; cf. car- 'do' (WJ 371). dan prep. 'but'. ú-'eveditham v. fut. 'we will not meet'; cf. *govad- 'meet', pp. govannen 'met' in mae govannen 'well met'.
∙ Quenya ∙ |
33. Elrond's Farewell [not included in the movie] It occurred in the LOTR 2002 Daily Calendar. Elrond on the Company's departure from Rivendell. First known movie phrase in Quenya.
Nai tiruvantel
ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya. elrond: 'May the Valar protect you on your path under the sky.'
nai n. 'be it that'. tiruvantel v. 'they will guard you'; tir- 'watch, watch over, guard, heed'. ar conj. 'and'. varyuvantel v. 'they will protect you'; varya- 'protect'. i Valar n. 'the Powers, the Valar'. tielyanna n. 'upon your path'. nu prep. 'under'. vilya v. 'air, sky'
∙ Quenya ∙ |
34. Saruman's Weather Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring] First heard on the Italian website Cinema. Interview with Christopher Lee (Saruman). In the Elfling message from Jan 17, 2002 David Salo corrected and explained a part of this spell.
saruman: Cuiva nwalca Carnirassë! Nai yarvaxëa rasselya taltuva ñotto-carinnar!
saruman: 'Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your blood-stained horn shall fall upon the enemy-heads' [no subtitles given]
cuiva v. imper. 'wake up'; *cuiva- 'wake up'. nwalca adj. 'cruel'. Carnirassë n. '= Sindarin Caradhras, English Redhorn'. nai v. 'may it be'. yarvaxëa adj. 'blood-stained'; yár 'blood' + *vaxëa 'stained' < vaxë 'stain'. rasselya n. 'your horn'; rassë 'horn' + -lya 'your'. taltuva v. fut. '[it] will fall'; cf. talta- 'slip, slide down, collapse, slope'. ñotto-carinnar n 'upon enemy-heads'; cf. *ñotto-cár 'enemy-head' from *ñotto 'enemy' (ÑGOTH-) and cár 'head' (KAS-).
∙ Quenya ∙ |
35. Gandalf's Moria Gate Spell. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Words of Gandalf before the Moria Gate. Not translated in the movie.
gandalf: Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!
gandalf: 'Gate of Elves listen to my word, Threshold of Dwarves!'
ando n. 'gate, door'. eldarinwa adj. 'Elvish'. a lasta v. imper. 'listen!'. quettanya n. 'my word'; cf. quetta 'word'. fenda n. 'threshold'. casarinwa adj. 'Dwarvish, of Dwarves'.
∙ Quenya ∙ |
36. Galadriel's Farewell. [The Fellowship of the Ring] In the Sindarin dialog of Galadriel and Aragorn we can hear these Quenya greeting:
galadriel: Namárie!
galadriel: 'Farewell!'
namárie interj. 'farewell; be in goodness'.
∙ Khuzdûl ∙ |
38. Gimli in Mazarbul. [The Fellowship of the Ring] Silent lament or prayer of Gimli in the Chamber of Mazarbul. Without meaning. It is to imitate the language of the Dwarves.
gimli: Kilmin malur ni zaram kalil ra narag. Kheled-zâram ... Balin tazlifi.
gimli: '...' [?]
∙ Khuzdûl ∙ |
39. Gimli's Words [FotR DVD extended version] First
time published as a fragment of the movie script revealed by Tolkien-Movies
website. It is an unkind aswer of Gimli to Haldir. Included in the
extended DVD edition of FotR. According to
Andreas Fröhlich, the director of the German translation
of the movie, this phrase means: 'I spit
upon your grave.'
Ishkhaqwi ai
gimli: 'I spit upon your grave'
ishkhaqwi 'I spit'. ai prep. 'upon', reduced form of aya (WR:20) durugnul 'your grave'.
∙ Black Speech ∙ |
In the Weathertop scene, when the Nazgul lord approaches Frodo and Frodo takes out the Ring, the Nazgul lord, upon seeing it, exclaims:
ringwraith: Gû kîbum kelkum-ishi, burzum-ishi. Akha - gûm-ishi ashi gurum.
ringwraith: 'There-is-no life in-the-cold, in-the-dark. Here - in-the-void only death.
gû adj. ‘no’; may be from the Elvish stem UGU. kîbum n. ‘life’. kelkum n. ‘coldness’; may be from Elvish stem KHEL-EK and Black Speech –um, ‘-ness’. burzum n. ‘darkness’; Black Speech term. -ishi prep. ‘in’; from Black Speech burzum-ishi, ‘in [the] darkness’. akha pron. ‘here’; related to makha above. gûm n. ‘the Void’; incorporates Elvish stem KUM. ashi adj. ‘only’; incorporating Black Speech ash, ‘one’, and a definite article –i? gurum n. ‘death’; may be related to Elvish stem ÑGUR1.
∙ Black Speech ∙ |
41. Ring Verse. [FotR DVD extended version] In the FotR DVD extended edition Gandalf is uttering this Black Speech verse during the Council of Elrond. The author of this text is J.R.R. Tolkien (it can be found in The Fellowship of the Ring, Book 2, Chapter II: The Council of Elrond. Black Speech text was analyzed by H. K. Fauskanger (see here). The same poem can be heard when Frodo looks at the One Ring.
gandalf: Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
gandalf: 'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.'
ash 'one'. nazg 'ring'. durbatulûk 'to-rule-them-all'. gimbatul 'to-find-them'. thrakatulûk 'to-bring-them-all'. agh 'and'. burzum-ishi 'darkness-in'. krimpatul 'to-bind-them'.