A Valaquenta Fragment in Quendya
by Ryszard Derdzinski
I present here a Quendya translation of Valaquenta being an older version of the Quenya text that you can see here. Quendya is an archaic form of Quenya. It is a language of the Vanyar and Noldor of Aman. This language was native to Rúmil, an author of Ainulindalë.
First I present the first verses of Valaquenta written in the Rúmilian transcription (using Sarati Rúmilo). The Quenya Sarati mode is my guess following a Rúmilian inscription in English by J.R.R. Tolkien (see Arden R. Smith, The Túrin Prose Fragment. An Analysis of a Rúmilian Document [in:] Vinyar Tengwar # 37, December 1995, pp. 15-23).
Then you will find a Latin version written in Parmalambë, as described by Tolkien in his letter to Dick Plotz. If you want to see the text in the Noldorin Quenya as was spoken in Middle-earth see here.
Sarati Rúmilo version:
Latin transcription:
Valar ar Maiaron nótië siwë Eldaron nólessë
Mi yessë Eru i Eldarinen
Ilúvatar ná estaina
ónë i Ainui sanwesyallo;ar tyallentë i Lindalé meletya nu mahalmasya.
Sina Lindalello Ilu harë yessesyá; an Ilúvatar sinë Ainuron lindalen annë cantá cénina
ar cennentes vë calma morniessë.
Ento nótimë tellon emélier wanimië
ar lúmequentalesyá yá cennentë yestalaar palyala wë olozessë.
Ento Ilúvatar annë olozentan i Ëala
ar pannesyes Erumassë ar martyanesyes i Muinanáré
an urië Iluo ózessë;
ar nes estaina
Quenya version