alassea "joyful, happy"; adjective derived from alasse "joy", cf. laure "gold" and laurea "golden"
amawil-, amavil- "fly up, soar"; compound of ama- "up" and wil- (resp. vil-) "fly", cf. amorta- "heave" (lit. "up-rise, rise up")
ána "o be!"; imperative of "to be", based on áva "don't!", ná is the copula "is" (Tolkien's own imperative of "to be" is na without the imperative particle, see VT43:14)
anama "doom"; noun only attested in the genitive in Rithil-Anamo "Ring of Doom" (WJ:401); note that it may also be aman, though it would clash with well-known Aman
#apa "after, afterwards"; isolated from Apanónar "the After-born" (WJ:387); it could be also used as preposition and as adverb
apacen "prophecy, foresight" (lit. "after-sight"); compound of the prefix apa- and cen "sight"; in MR:216 there is apacenye which is translated as "foresight", but this might be rather pl. of adj. *apacenya "of foresight"; we also have tercen "insight" (and tencenye "of insight"); yet apacenye may be a long form of apacen
apalúme "future" (lit. "after-time"); compound of apa "after" and lúme "time"
apame "future" (lit. "that which comes after"); derivative of apa "after" (q.v.) based on undume "abyss, that which is under" (Mark.) (undu "under", -me is a common nominal ending)
arcoa "palace" (lit. "noble-house"); compound of ar- "noble" and coa "house"
árinqua "sunny" (lit. "sunlight-full"); adjective derived on basis of alcarinqua "glorious" (lit. "glory-full"), áre "sunlight", alcar "glory", for the ending -inqua see WJ:392, 415
anwave "surely, certainly"; adverb derived from anwa "real, actual, true" by -ve suffix; cf. adj. anda "long" and adv. andave "long"
atacar- "revenge" (lit. "back-make"); compound of of ata-
"back-" and car- "do, make"; the Sindarin word acharn "vengence"
seems to be arisen from the same formation
calatengwe "photograph" (lit. "light-writing"); literal translation of the Greek elements of the word 'photograph'
calta "picture, photography"; derived from the stem KAT- "to shape" with the ending -la; the sequence tl underwent a regular methatesis and by a coincidence it might be associated with the stem KAL "light", cf. calatengwe above
carma "work" (lit. "something made"); derived from the stem KAR "make, built, construct" (v. kar-) by adding derivative nominal ending -ma; cf. parma "book, something written" from PAR "compose, put together"
cemma "picture" (lit. "something seen"); derived from the stem KEN with the suffix -ma (with assimilation of nm to mm)
ceniril(le) "mirror"; possible cognate of S cenedril (from Nen Cenedril "Lake Looking-glass" (RS:456))
#cil- "choose"; verb isolated from cilme "choice, choosing"; cf. melme n. "love" and mel- vb. "love"
cilta - "devide, separate"; verb constucted from cil- (q.v.) by adding a causative ending -ta; cf. tulta- "summon, make come" and tul- "come" (TUL)
cuina- "live, be alive"; verb related to adj. cuina "alive"; this verb seems to be present in Sindarin name Dor Gyrth i Chuinar "Land of the Dead that Live"
cuiva- "awake"; verb isolated from cuivie "awakening";
there is coiva- "awake" and coivie "awakening" in an earlier
source (GL), but the latter was replaced by cuivie in Etym, so possibly
coiva as well
earina "of the sea"; it is ear "sea" with a common adjectival ending -ina as in e.g. taurina "of wood" (taure "wood")
ecar "or"; this is a supposed Quenya cognate of Sindarin egor "or" (however, some suggested that it should be rather *erca or *erca (final vowel is uncertain); on the other hand, some use var from Qenya Lexicon)
eneques "rumor" (lit. "re-saying"); compound of en- "re-" and eques "a saying, dictum" (WJ:392)
essar- "recross"; it is actually the prefix en- and sar- (q.v.) [it is not certain if this is correct, sc. if the n would assimilate to s (which represents the older th), since we have Narsil without an assimilation (normally rs assimilates to ss, but this sil is from the root THIL), and it is thought that it could be ensar- or even entar-, since aspirated stops sometimes seems to have lost aspiration after nasals]
etementa- "banish, send out" (lit. "out-send"; compound of menta- "send" and et(e)- "out"
ettuc- "draw out"; verb compounded by et- "out" and tuc- "draw"
firta- "kill"; verb derived from PHIR; we have already fir-
"die, fade", but this refers to a natural death, so firta- could probably
be used when the subject causes the death unintentionally
hairie "distance" (lit. "farness"); nominalized haira "far", cf tárie "height" and tára "high"
hampe "garment"; supposed cognate of N hamp (stem KHAP "enfold")
#hanta- "thank, give a thank"; verb isolated from Eruhantale "Thanksgiving to Eru" which is apparently Eru-hanta-le; -le is a common suffix which transforms verbs to nouns
harno, fem. harne "possessor"; based on tirno "watcher" (tir- "watch", harya- "possess")
hel- "freeze"; verb derived from the stem KHEL- "freeze" and related to helle "frost"
heldasse "nakedness"; noun derived from adj. helda "naked, stripped bare" by the ending -sse, cf. handa "understanding, intelligent" and handasse "intelligence"
hep- "keep, hold"; verb derived from the stem KHEP "retain, keep, do not give away or release, keep hold of" (see VT41:6); a possible Q cognate of the S word found in the phase ú-chebin "I don't keep" (in LotR translated as "I have kept [no hope for myself]")
herca "or"; see ecar above: there is a thery that Sindarin egor "or" is derived from the stem HEK (see WJ:364) with an added component RÂ: it underwent a metathesis and, in Sindarin, the initial h was lost
herwa "lordly"; based on words as melwa "lovely"
holle "little heart"; should be hon+le as nen+le
> nelle "brook" (nén "water"; hón "heart")
imire "crystal"; supposed Q cognate of ivor (derived maybe from *imirê)
imirin "of crystal"; adjective derived from imire (see above)
lapselunga "pregnant" (lit. "baby-heavy"); compound of lapse "babe" and lunga "heavy"
lára- "flatten, leven"; verb related to adj. lára "flat", based on similarity with cúna- "bend" and cúna "bent"
latin, latina "field, open"; nominalized adjective latin, latina "cleared, open, free [of land]"
lauta- "warm, make warm"; verb derived from the stem LAW "warm", related to adj. lauca "warm"; the ending -ta has a causative sense (cf. tulta- "make come, summon")
linquilea "having many colors"; compound of lin- "many-" and pl. of qilea/quilea "coloured" (this word is from Qenya Lexicon), cf. lindornea "having many oak-trees"
linwele "poetry"; derived from linwe "poem" by adding the common ending -le, cf. quenta "tale, story" and quentale "account, history, narration"
#loa- "grow"; verb related to loa "growth"
lótea "flowery"; adjective derived from lóte "flower" (cf. laure "gold" and laurea "golden")
hlon "sound"; assumed singular of hloni "sound" (cf. also ohlon
"diphthong" (VT39:9,13))
#ma - interrogative element taken from words man "who", mana "what" and manen "how", the latter is assumed to be ma + instrumental case; this element is used in questions (something like English do), this element is also seen is the word maquet- "ask" which is literally "say ma"; maybe could be used also as "whether", e.g. umin ista ma Quendi ear "I do not know whether the Elves exist"
mahtale "fighting, battle"; noun formed from mahta "wield a weapon" by adding the suffix -le
manan "why, for what [reason]"; dative of mana "what"
manna "whither, upon what"; it is ma (q.v.) and allative ending
masse "where"; it is ma (q.v.) + locative case ending, based on manen
menelwa "heavenly"; (menel "heaven") based on melwa "lovely"
merme "wish"; noun derived from the verb mer- "wish" (cf.
mel- vb. "love" and n. melme "love"
nacil (m. nacilo, f. nacile) "victor"; isolated from words like Rómendacil, Umbardacil ("East-victor", "Umbar-victor" respectively); it is probably derived from the stem NDAK "slay", though in Etym there are no Q forms given under this stem; for the m. and f. forms cf. hecilo, hecile and neutral hecil "one lost or forsaken by friends" (from the stem HEK)
naira "sad, lamentable"; derived from the stem NAY attested in N as noer (in S it would be *naer)
ñalma "reflector, mirror"; noun derived from the stem ÑAL "shine by reflection", cf. parma "book, something what is composed" and the stem PAR "compose"
nauta- "conceive"; verb derived from the stem NOWO "think, form idea, imagine" by adding a frequent verbal ending -ta; attested in Sindarin as nautha-; this coined verb was for the sense "think", but now we have better word, see sana-
né "was"; unattested, but commonly used for past tense of ná "is"
#ñol- / #hol- "smell"; verb based of the stem ÑOL "smell" (intr.) and the noun derived from it holme "odour" which might be a misreading for ñolme
nonwa "computer" (lit. "implement for reckoning"); derived from the stem NOT by adding ending -ma; CE *notmâ becomes nonwa in Q
norta- "dwell, stay"; verb derived from the stem NDOR attested in S as dortho
nurme "subordination"; derived from the stem NDUR "bow down" by adding a common nominal ending
nurmea "subordinate, lesser"; adjective derived from nurme (q.v.)
#nurta- "hide" (prob. tr.); verb isolated from Nurtale Valinóreva
"the Hiding of Valinor"
olótie "flora, collection of flowers"; based on olassie "collection of leaves, foliage" (apparently prefix o- "together", lasse "leaf" and sufix -ie used for forming abstract nouns; lóte "flower")
os "around, round, about"; derived from the stem OS with the
same meaning; it can also serve as prefix os-
palallon "telephone" (lit. "far-sound"); literal translation of Greek elements in the word; compound of palan- and hlon (q.u.) with a central assimilation (cf. palacen below)
palancen "television" (lit. "far-sight"); literal translation of Greek elements in 'television'; for palan- "far and wide" cf. palantír, for -cen "sight" cf. tercen "insight" (lit. "through-sight", ter "through")
parmasse "library"; derived from parma by adding abstract ending -sse
porisalque "corn" (lit. "flour-grass"); compound of pore "flour"
and salque "grass" (pore was derived from pori, therefore
the i in the compound)
#qua "a thing, something"; isolated from ilqua "everything", based on ilquen "everyone" and quén "someone"
qual- "die in pain"; from the stem KWAL with the same meaning
qualta- "kill, murder"; derived from the stem KWAL "to die in pain" by adding the causative verbal ending -ta (cf. firta- above)
#quel- "fade"; verb isolated from quelle "fading", cf. also quelie "waning" from Narquelie; (in FS we find quel- "to fail")
quettaparma "wordlist, wordbook"; compound of quetta "word"
and parma "book"
rianna "queen"; derived from the stem RIG, attested in S as rían
saita- "teach, make know"; verb derived from the stem SAY by adding the common causative verbal ending -ta cf. roita- "pursue, stem ROY
sáme (th) "salvation, saving, help"; derived from the base *STÁ/ STAH/THÁ/THAH "save, help" by means of adding the nominative suffix -me, the base is not attested as such, but its existence is assumed on the basis of elements -star/-stámo "helper" (PM:391, 385) and -sáro "saviour" (from thârô) (LR:188)
#sana- "think"; verb isolated from sanar "mind" (see VT41) which is said to literally mean "thinker"; -r is a common suffix, more or less corresponding to English -er
sar- (th) "cross"; verb derived from the stem THAR "across, beyond"
séya- (th) "look, seem, appear"; verb derived from the stem THE attested in Sindarin/Noldorin as thio
silúme "present" (lit. "time that is now"); compound of sí "now" and lúme "time"
sir "hither"; formed from primitive *sid, from the stem SI "this" by adding the ending -d (prehistoric -da) 'indicating motion to or towards a point' (WJ:366); generally based on the similarity with tar "thither" (prim. *tad) from the stem TA "that"
solta- "wave, heave"; verb derived from the stem SOL based on
solto- (from the stem SOLO) from QL
tan- "make, fashion"; verb derived from the stem TAN "make, fashion"; there is tano "craftsman, smith" with an agental suffix under this this stem, cf. tyaro "doer, actor, agent" and tyar- "cause"
tanen "therefore, by that"; instrumental case (+nen) of ta "it"
tanome "there, (in) that place"; based on similarity with sinome "here, (in) this place": sina "this", sinome "here, (in) this place"; tana "that"
táranar "noon" (lit. "high-sun"); compound of tára "high" and Anar "the Sun"
tararan "emperor" (lit. "high-king"); compound of tar- "high" and aran "king"
#telconta- "stride"; verb isolated from Telcontar "Strider"
turme "governing power, strength"; noun derived from the stem TUR "power, control"
tyulta- "stand up"; derived from the stem TYUL "stand up", cf.
tyulta- "to rear up, stick up" from QL (stem TYULU-)
umbarwa "fateful"; compound of umbar "fate" and -arwa "having"
úqua "nothing"; formed with the negative prefix ú- and qua (q.v.)
úquen "nobody, no one"; formation of the negative prefix
ú- and quén "a person, someone"
varno "protector, guard"; based on tirno "watcher"
veuya- "follow, serve"; attested as Noldorin/Sindarin buio- and primitive *beuyâ-
veuma- "server"; derived from the stem BEW- and the abstact ending -ma
veuro "follower, vassal"; attested as Noldorin/Sindarin beor, bior amd primitive *beurô
vi "like the"; shortened ve i
yanna "whereupon"; allative (+nna) of ya "which"
yava "whose"; possessive case of the relative pronoun ya "which"
yávinqua "fruitful"; adjective derived from yáve "fruit" by adding an adjective suffix -inqua with the meaning "full", cf. alcarinqua lit. "glory-full" (alcar "glory")
yuhta- "use"; derived from prim. *yuktâ (YUK), attested in Sindarin as iuitho
yur- "run"; cognate of Old Noldorin/Sindarin yurine "I run", derived
from the root YUR