This is supposed be a list of those abbreviations and/or acronyms that are commonly
used by others or myself on my site.
[ persons ]
JRRT = John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
ChT, CJRT = Christopher John Ronald Tolkien
[ books ]
LotR, LR = The Lord of the Rings
I, FotR, FR = The Fellowship of the Ring
II, TT = The Two Towers
III, RK = The Return of the King
HoMe, HMe = The History of Middle-earth (sometimes particular volumes
are referred to as I through XII)
LT1 = The Book of Lost Tales Vol. 1
LT2 = The Book of Lost Tales Vol. 2
LB = The Lays of Beleriand
SM = The Shaping of Middle-earth
LR = The Lost Road and other writings
RS = The Return of the Shadow
TI = The Treason of Isengard
WR = The War of the Ring
SD = Sauron Defeated
MR = Morgoth's Ring
WJ = The War of the Jewels
PM = The Peoples of Middle-earth
RGEO, R = The Road Goes Ever On
UT = Unfinished Tales
Letters, L = The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
MC = The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays
Silm, S = The Silmarillion
TH, H = The Hobbit
[ journals ]
TyTy, TT = Tyalie Tyelelliéva
PE = Parma Eldalamberon
GL, LNG = Gnomish Lexicon or
IˇLam naˇNgoldathon respectively, published in PE#11
QL, QQ = Qenya Lexicon resp. Qenyaqetsa,
published in PE#12
VT = Vinyar Tengwar
[ parts of books ]
SA, SAp = Silmarillion Appendix (sc. 'Elements of Quenya and Sindarin
Etym = The Etymologies, the third part of LR
Q&E = Quendi and Eldar, the fourth part of WJ
[ poems, fragments and different texts ]
FS = Fíriel's Song, LR:72
CO = Cirion's Oath, in UT ('Cirion and Eorl')
Arct. = the Arctic Sentence, in Father Christmas Letters
OM1 = Oilima Markirya, fist version, MC:221-3
OM2 = Oilima Markirya, another version, MC:213-4
FM, Mark. = the final version of the Markirya poem, found in MC:221-223
Ear = the Earendel poem, in MC:216
Nie = the Nieninque poem, in MC:215-6
AM = Aiya María, with versions I-IV
At = Átaremma, with version I-VI
BD = the Bodleian Declension chart, published in VT28
ED = the Entu, Ensi, Enta Declension chart, published in VT36
EW = Elendil's Words, LotR, Part IV, Chapter 5
Nar = the Narqelion poem, in VT40
[ languages ]
Q = Quenya
S = Sindarin
N = Noldorin
T = Telerin
L = Lindarin
PQ = Primitive Quendian
CE = Common Eldarin
CL = Common Lindarin
CT = Common Telerin
AT = Amanya Telerin
OS = Old Sindarin
ON = Old Noldorin
EN = Exilic Noldorin
Kh = Khuzdul (Dwarvish)
Ad = Adunaic
[ miscellaneous ]
ET : the editorial team (Carl Hostetter, Patrick Wynne, Chris Gilson,
Arden Smith, Bill Welden)
MeT: Middle-earth Time
[ linguistics ]
sg. = singular
pl. = plural
m., masc. = masculine
f., fem. = feminine
intr. = intransitive
tr. = transitive
n. = noun
adj. = adjective
pron. = pronoun
vb. = verb
adv. = adverb
nom. = nominative
gen. = genitive
poss. = possessive
dat. = dative
acc. = accusative
voc. = vocative
loc. = locative
all. = allative
abl. = ablative
pa.t. = past tense
fut. = future tense
aor. = aorist
perf. = perfect
pp. = past participle