
The Lord's Prayer in Quenya

by Patrick Wynne (
and Carl F. Hostetter (

This page is a slightly modified version of an original article first published in the journal Vinyar Tengwar #32 (November, 1993).

"Attolma" composition and notes are copyright (c) 1993 by Patrick Wynne and Carl F. Hostetter. It may not be republished without permission.

Attolma i menelessie, nai airitainiéva esselya.
Our Father who is in heaven, be it that will be hallowed thy name.

Nai ardalya tuluva.
Be it that thy kingdom will come.

Nai írelya tyarniéva mardesse ve menelesse.
Be it that thy desire will be done on earth as in heaven.

Anta men síre ilyaurea mastalma.
Give (to) us today daily our bread.

Ar avanta men raikalmar ve avantalme raikatyarolmain.
And forgive (for) us our wrongs as we forgive (for) our wrong-doers.

Ar nai útukuvalye me mailenna
And be it that thou will not lead us into overmastering desire

fainu me ulkallo. Amen.
but release us from evil. Amen.


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[1] John D. Davis, The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible , revised and rewritten by Henry Snyder Gehman (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1924). F. Wilbur Gingrich's Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament (Second edition, revised by Frederick W. Danker. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983) notes that Aramaic abba is "a specially intimate term".

[2] For a further discussion of imperatives cf. p. 5 of "Sauron Defeated: A Linguistic Review" by Carl F. Hostetter (VT24:4-13, July 1992).

Bibliographical abbreviations:

VT: Vinyar Tengwar. The Journal of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Carl F. Hostetter, Editor (

OED: The Oxford English Dictionary

The following works are all by J.R.R. Tolkien. Page references are to the most recent Houghton Mifflin Co. hardcover editions.

Other abbreviations:

Q : Quenya
N : Noldorin

1 : first person
2 : second person
sg. : singular
pl. : plural

adj. : adjective
nom. : nominative
p.p. : past participle

< : "is derived from"
* : indicates that a word or meaning is hypothetical, i.e. not actually attested in the published corpus.
\ : indicates that the vowel that precedes should be marked with a macron.

This Web page is maintained by Carl F. Hostetter (
Last modified February 25, 2000.

This page has been visited times since February 25, 2000.