Fellow lambendili and lambengolmor! I'm
glad to present you the Parma Penyanë Quettaron wordlist.
Its main purpose is to serve you as the sole source of Quenya vocabulary
beyond The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The
History of Middle-earth series and the rest of J.R.R. Tolkien's
main published works.
First of all, it includes Quenya vocabulary
items from JRRT's works published after HoME in the journals Vinyar
Tengwar and Parma Eldalamberon. The editorial team of these
two journals continue Christopher Tolkien's task of publishing all his
father's works in a proper academic way, sequentially supplying us with
thitherto unpublished JRRT's linguistic essays - and vocabulary.
Secondly, the PPQ project aims to
collect, organize and publish all the Quenya vinyacárië,
the 'newwords' that inevitably appear to fill the gaps in our knowledge
of Quenya vocabulary. Without organization this creative urge would cause
'the Babel Tower of Quenya', and to prevent it is my task.
I would like to encourage everyone to contribute
their reconstructed words to the PPQ project. I would also like
to thank all my colleagues for their contributions: you are making the
dream come true. Special thanks to the "Editorial Team" and
CJRT: owing to you more than a half of this dictionary consists of authentic
JRRT's words. We all look forward the day when the other half will become
unnecessary. Above all I am indebted to JRRT himself, and that needs no
Namaarie! S.Y., Elenhil Laiquendo